
Please, Blond, Freckles: Hold The Colic Analysis

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Please, Blond, Freckles: Hold The Colic Analysis
A Baby, Please, Blond, Freckles— Hold the Colic written by Gautam Naik introduces a new medical procedure based on pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, PGD, which will allow parents the option to select gender and physical traits in a baby soon. PGD was created to prevent diseases, but this procedure could now be used to hand-select traits for their baby. Even though build-a-baby is possible, Mark Hughes, Genesis Genetics Institute, says a lab will not be taken serious if they use this procedure for cosmetic purposes. Fertility Institutes disagrees with that statement and retaliates with saying the procedure is merely cosmetic medicine and organizations who have a problem with this method are scared of criticism they might receive. The 1900s …show more content…
Artificial insemination is a great medical procedure that gives women the chance to have a baby without having a male present in their life, but it does limit the knowledge of the child knowing the other 50% of his or her genes, especially if the donor was anonymous. Some women use this medical procedure for different circumstances: being unmarried, window of opportunity closing, or simply because the women are independent and feels like she does not need the help of a man to raise a child; whatever the reason it maybe, majority of sperm donors are anonymous to avoid complications in the future. Who knows, the mother could possibly become overwhelmed with the job of being a single parent and she might look for the donor and demand him to have some responsibly; which defeats the whole purpose of artificial insemination. A child conceived through artificial insemination does not know the potential genetic diseases that might be passed on from the father; therefore, sperm donors should not have the option to remain …show more content…
According to Wooten, he conducted college interviews, “one of the interviewers told him that he did not have any children, but he did donate sperm when he was in college because he needed the money” (407). Besides the different reasons, sperm donors should really think deeply and understand what they are doing. Even though these donors did not sign up to become a dad, they are still considered to be a father. They have to acknowledge that this child is going to grow up not knowing where he or her got some of their characteristics from. All their life, these children are going to wonder who their biological father is; every child deserves to know who their father

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