There are 6 mobile phone operators in Bangladesh, operating under the names of airtel, banglalink, citycell, grameenphone, robi & teletalk.
The number of mobile phone subscribers in Bangladesh as of 2006 was 20.8 million, having risen from the 2010 figure of 54.7 million.
At present, grameenphone has 49.088 million & robi has 24.077 million subscribers until 2014.
From the significant increase of subscribers proves the high productivity of the telecom sector.
Reducing absenteeism is an important issue, because it can be costly. GP emphasizes on employee health and safety for that.
Robi practices the activities like Reduction of Status Differences, High Compensation contingent, Employee participation and involvement, Extensive Training, Selective Hiring, Employment Security to reduce absenteeism and increase productivity.
GP operates its business with 85% permanent, 13% part timers & 2% other employees. Turnover rate is very low for permanent employees & relatively high for part timer employees. Overall turnover rate is 8%.
On the other hand, turnover rate in robi is 5 persons every month. 10% of employees leave & others 90% of employees do not leave their.
Job Satisfaction
Based on Job security, Compensation, Motivation and Promotion, it is found that GP employees are highly satisfied with their job. Good salary, transport facility, incentives, mobile bill, daycare centre, medical allowance, loan service etc are the main reason behind job satisfaction.
On the other hand, robi employees enjoys different leave facility, various allowances, gratuity, Festival Bonus, performance bonus, Overtime Allowance, Shift Duty Allowance, Holiday Allowance, Provident Fund, Group Life Insurance, Child Birth Benefit, Hospital Fund, Accommodation Allowance, Wedding Loan, Children Education allowance etc make robi employees satisfied with their job.
Deviant workplace Behavior
Organizational Citizenship Behavior