
Nigga Please Summary

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Nigga Please Summary
In the article, "Nigga? Please", written by Talib Kweli Greene, I relatively agree with his point of view on how different spellings of the N-word will not be affected nor change the meaning, but just only the context of it will make the whole new aspect. His contrary with Piers Morgan is the main reason why I switched from being Pier Morgan's advocate to become his supporter. The example from his story of Ted Joans, how people described him as a "nice, colored man." gives me a brief summary of the connection in context. From our class discussion, I understand that the quote "a nice, colored man" is likely to refer that Black people aren't nice at all. In fact, I will definitely feel offended in a similar situation if I was an African-American. Before reading this article, I have learned that the N-word is originated from Negro, a Spanish …show more content…
Moreover, our nature born instincts tend to do things that are banned so even if we are banning people from saying the word, they will continue to use it more often. Continually, he also points out why Black people can be the biggest perpetrators of white supremacy. In reality, I also see a lot of African-Americans call each other "niggers" more than any other ethics and rappers usually include the n-word in songs more often than white rappers. Since many Black people are saying the word, non-black people must have thought that why would they say it even though they know its history, gradually it becomes an excuse for non-black people to say it too, but with a wicked mind. By that reason, I do agree with his statement," We become the victim of it and the perpetrators of it at the same damn

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