
Lord Of The Flies: Dark Side Of Humanity

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Lord Of The Flies: Dark Side Of Humanity
Dark Side of Humanity
According to William Golding, humanity has always had a dark side and even the most respectable and dignified people can turn to their dark side if forced to due to their circumstances. I agree with Golding in this matter. The novel Lord of the Flies is a great example of this happening, as in the Minecraft game we played in class and the novel are very similar. In both of them they created factions between themselves.. Many people were killed due to the fact that people mistakenly thought that they were a beast or a zombie in Minecraft. Finally there was a lot of unnecessary killing just because they did not like the other person, for the materials they had or just for fun.

Firstly in the novel and Minecraft people formed groups. Some groups were stronger than others. During the earlier part of the novel all of the students worked as a one moderately organized group. Jack the rebel in the group said “I m not going to be part of Ralph’s lot… I am going off by my self. He can catch his own pigs”(Golding 166). This shows that Jack thinks that he is better than Ralph who was the leader or the ‘chief’ of the group at that point in the novel. The same thing also happened when we were playing Minecraft. A group of people who were evidently better at the game than the rest of the class made a
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Similarly in Minecraft when people were out at night, and the more powerful of the groups thought that they were the beast or something that would harm them they killed them. They did not think to make sure that they were a human or a beast. This also shows the fear people had for the stronger group. They were also afraid of the unknown (the beast) and in Minecraft they had to beware of monsters and also the other people who were suppose to be helpful according to our society. This also shows that all humans have a dark

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