
Legalizing the Drinking Age to 18

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Legalizing the Drinking Age to 18
Legalizing the Drinking Age to 18 When people turn to the age of eighteen, they are finally considered an adult. They can join the army, have the right to vote, buy cigarettes or tobacco products, get a tattoo and even die for our country, but they aren’t allowed to buy alcohol? A person can be responsible enough to live on his or her own, make money, pay bills, and yet they are not old enough to purchase or consume any type of alcohol. Underage drinking has been a major controversial issue for years. Teenagers are continuing to buy alcohol with fake identification cards, drink, get into bars, and drink illegally. As being a teenager, these things are going on not only in college, but also in high school. There are a lot of factors as to why the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen; the most obvious reason is too many people are drinking before they are twenty-one. Turning the drinking age to 18, entails receiving the rights and responsibilities of adulthood to vote, serve on juries, get married, sign contracts, joining the military, which includes taking on the responsibilities of life and death, and be prosecuted as adults. Once someone turn 18, life opens up and they achieve multiple obligations and privileges. Adults from the age of 18 should be trusted to make decisions about alcohol consumption. If an 18 year old can make up their mind as to which the potential leader of the country should be and take a bullet for their country, they should have every right to purchase and drink alcohol. At age 18, citizen is also inclined to jury duty. 18- year- old males are forced to join the selective service, for possible drafting. This means some 18 year olds males can go to war. If you are legal to get married at the age of 18 and end up getting married, you aren’t even allowed to drink at your own wedding. So many of these things don’t make sense and just enhance as to why the drinking age should be lowered. People ignore the proven medical fact that

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