
Jokn Hale

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Jokn Hale
JOHN HALE’S CHANGES What would you do if at the sign of your name hundreds of people were thrown in jail or hung? Well that is what Reverend John Hale has to ask himself as he has the heaviest burden to carry. In Arthur Miller’s,The Crucible, John Hale is man so sure of himself at first becomes a very broken man while dealing with the accusations in Salem.

When John Hale first arrives in Salem he is very over confident and conceited about his knowledge in witchcraft. Reverend Hale is described as a "tight-skinned, eager-eyed intellectual."(1146) This shows that not only does he know he is a smart man but he looks like a intellectual man. When Rev. Paris comes to help Rev. Hale carry his books he tells him that they are heavy. Reverend Hale responds by saying “They must be; they are they weighted with authority.”(1149) To Hale the books aren’t heavy because they are full with pages but because he knows and understands the knowledge in the books. At first, he seems very arrogant and quickly puts himself into the middle of the action to show himself as the superior he thinks is truly is. As he starts his business in Salem, the towns' people begin to trust him because of his reputation for being a man of God and because of his sense of expertise on the subject of evil. With Hale feeding off the trust the people have for him he can really show that he knows a lot and that they are ignorant of pretty much everything. Reverend Hale jumps at the opportunity to investigate the possible witch craft in Salem. He is of course very confident in his skills and gets the chance to prove to himself and to the people of Salem that he is for sure a man of God and that he knows what he is doing while he studies the girls. As people begin to confess and call the names of potential witches Hale gets excited about what he has discovered and that he did all by himself. This shows that Hale is so excited and happy that he was able to discover witchcraft in such a religious

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