
Is Google Making Us Stupid Summary- Nick Carr

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Is Google Making Us Stupid Summary- Nick Carr
In “Is Google Making us Stupid”, an article published in Atlantic Monthly 2008, Nick Carr writes that Google has made it easier for us to take in information, quickly at great volumes, the effect of the mechanical clock, along with the algorithm, and finally he finishes his essay writing about Google being a perfect search engine. Carr states that the technology is changing the way that society reads and writes; the Internet is shaping the process of thought. The Internet has caused the concentrations often to drift after two or three pages. Carr explains that he’s been spending a lot of time online over the course of the last decade, and sometimes adding to the information. He also states that his mind expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it, extremely fast. Other writers have also admitted that they have stopped reading books altogether. A recent published study of online research habits, suggest that we “may be in the midst of a sea change…”. Authors of a study report are saying that there are signs that new forms of “reading” are emerging. Calling it “power browsing”… reading horizontally through titles, contents pages, and things of the like. The brain has the ability to reprogram itself in an instant, altering the way it functions (and interprets information.) The mechanical clock disassociated time from human events, deciding when to eat, to work, to sleep, and to rise. We stopped listening to our senses and started obeying the clock. When the mechanical clock arrived, people began thinking of their brains as operating “like clockwork”. About the same time, a man, Frederick Winslow Taylor carried a stopwatch into a factory and began a series of experiments aimed at improving the efficiency of the plants machinists. Taylor created the “algorithm”, a set of precise instructions. Carr proceeds to write about Google, “the perfect search engine”. Google defines it as something that understands exactly what you mean and gives you

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