
Is Child Behavior Better or Worse Than It Was Years Ago?

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Is Child Behavior Better or Worse Than It Was Years Ago?
Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago? My stand in this question is YES; child behavior has worsened over the years. Many devices today cause poor behavior. We see many children with violent actions in many places, such as restaurants, grocery markets, shopping malls, and many other public areas. In an opinion poll, it showed that about seventy percent of responders believe that child behavior has worsened over the years. Observe a public area, and you’ll find out. Also as I found more research and the way I look at it I think a lot of fault is the parents. Parents determine the behavior of their children. If a parent is willing to take the time and work at being consistent, children benefit. If you say "no", it must mean "no". It may mean that as a parent, you must get off that sofa and physically STOP a child from misbehaving; even requiring the child to remain in a "time out". Parents who try to discipline their children by just telling them to stop a behavior are not teaching the children to respect authority, nor are they helping the child to become a responsible adult. Having said that, there seems to be a greater number of parents who are unwilling to spend the time and effort necessary to properly teach their children how to behave, resulting in a greater number of children who misbehave. Also I find it very odd that a parent complains about their child/child’s actions or words when they can talk and teach them right from wrong and have consequences for their bad behavior. I don’t agree with physical discipline but I agree with time out, ground, and talk to them. So they can know once they do something bad there will be consequences. Years ago this would not be acceptable so why are we accepting it

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