
Integrity In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Integrity In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Integrity, or the lack of such, is a huge component in the creation of personal beliefs of a person. Those with integrity show compassion and empathy with many of the decisions they make, and they usually have a strong set of morals; they stand up for what they believe in even in the face of adversity. Atticus Finch, from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, is one such person. Harper Lee helps readers follow the journey of Atticus as he attempts to end the ignorance with which the citizens of Maycomb grew with. In this small town where nothing happens and everything stays the same, a single event causes the citizens to stir and, in a way, “wake up”. As citizens are exposed to these new situations, Atticus forces them to reconsider their personal morals and decide whether they are ethical or not. As they people reflect on themselves, they start to change their perception of what is and is not right. When people are pushed to reflect on the very fundamentals of their way of life, they sometimes find that what they originally thought was fair is actually not so. Lee showcases this by focusing on the changing beliefs of some secondary characters, as well as focusing on Atticus’ moral integrity and …show more content…
In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses Atticus to represent an ideal personality and goes on to suggest that when faced with an unusual situation, groups of people tend to act impulsively, which results in decisions lacking

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