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Informative Essay
Informative Essay: Racism
Heather Renfro
ENGL 111
Professor Wendy Kruger
October 26, 2014

Racism is the discrimination of different race/races and is the thought of one race or color of skin has more physical/mental abilities than another. Some perceive different races to be a factor when applying for a job, getting an education, and living everyday life. It is based on the attitudes of one or more people based on the supposed superiority of one group to the supposed infirmity of another. A lot of racism existed in the 1900s and with the help of some, most of it stopped, but now it’s coming back. Although it’s not as bad as it was years ago, racism is still around and affects lives of others. Several people are affected by racism, discrimination of ones work ethic, education, and abilities are just some examples of things people are judged on based on their skin color. So why do we think such things of other people? Is it really right to think of people differently because of the color of their skin? Why are we so quick to judge?

The fact is, by the time a child is a toddler, they start noticing color differences, and then in school, teachers teach not to discriminate and to just look over the difference and live equally. That would seem like enough. Unfortunately, schools aren’t the only influence that children have. While schools teach one thing, parents can also teach them differently. For example; let’s say that one day a child is in school, and the teacher says three plus three equals six. But, if the parents tell their child that three plus three equals five and NOT six, then that’s what the child starts to believe. Telling the child that every day, they start thinking that it’s true. So, the parent is teaching something totally different than the school. So, if that works with home, it also works with school. Therefore making an easy way to teach something into the minds of the child. Then let’s say that the child got to high school and was asked; what’s three plus three? The child will answer “five” and believe it’s correct, because that is what was taught by the parents. Parents influence their children in every aspect of life. Racism being a downfall to their beliefs. Although schools have several different races in the classroom, if children are taught to feel a certain way this causes more harm than good.

Of course, the same would apply to racism. If the child is taught in school not to hate another person because of their race, then go home to a racist environment, then that child will think it is okay to do. A child’s mind is made of what it is taught starting at a small age. Of course, a child should know right from wrong. Touching a hot stove will burn them as they know. But to what extent can this go to? As far as schools today, you can walk into a classroom and see many different children of different races. This doesn’t change the fact racism is still around, it just shows how far we’ve came from years ago when classrooms were segregated. We can only do what we can to help racism disappear. The truth is, racism can go two ways, but most don’t expect anything to be done, because no one can control another human beings actions no matter what because that’s just basic nature to humans. Giving more education on racism and letting others know how this makes one feel could possibly help them get a better understanding of a person. Some think to pull things into their own hands and create 'Racial Tolerance Day' in their kid’s public schools to prevent things such as racial discrimination to be done. If we could get the parents of these children to let them voice their own opinions and views, it could help. It’s a shame that this would have to happen anyway, but it has to be done. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but to judge or stereotype based on race is something people should think about. If you actually take the time out to evaluate the person, instead of judging based on your own perception is the more affective thing to do. Individual differences among humans are here to stay. It is in the nature of genetics, cultural diversity, and the human desire for the exotic that people will always be fascinated by, but always at least slightly threatened by, the people in our midst who are different. A child's first encounter with a larger-than-usual adult, or with a child who is lame and hobbles, presages the curiosity yet to come, and the potentially negative attitudes yet to be developed, over "people who are different." There is anxiety over the differences. This reflects our biological origins. The effects on children who are taught racism at a very young age are most applicable to mental and physical affects toward school and other people. “When children become aware of these types of bias about their own racial or ethnic group, it can affect how they respond to everyday situations, ranging from interacting with others to taking tests” (NRxH,2009) proves from a young age or school aged child have major effects in the long run. There were studies ran on over 250 kids from Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, and Latino’s that proved not only did it effect everyday situations but also had an impact on their mental health. From one article is states “Among 121 studies, results were significant in 76% of associations between racial discrimination and negative mental health” (SS&M). It also states “Over 50% of associations with each of positive mental health; behavior; and birth outcomes; were also significant” (SS&M) sounds like to me there were some children who had no bad effects due to being around racism. They did not let it affect them in general because there are a lot of children who deal with some type of racism or stereotyping. One study in general was to teach children the effects of racism on other races and see how it effects the way they look at racism once they see the disadvantages of what it can do to other children. “Both white and black children who learned about racism were more likely to value racial fairness and to express greater satisfaction with the lessons.” (SCI) They also stated that the “white children felt more guilt in racism against the black children” (SCI), which probably ranges back to learning about slavery and the roll of the different races plus the actions that were taking among the different races. It all boils down to how much children are educated on racism and how much in depth they are taught about it. Throughout these studies it is proved that children feel remorse toward races due to racism and stereotyping. With that being said I think children need to be taught the effects of racism at a young age.

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