
How Does Huxley Use Satire In Brave New World

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How Does Huxley Use Satire In Brave New World
Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) is a satirical novel that presents grossly exaggerated and absurd constructs as the norm. This World State is described as the ideal place; it is the best thing that happened for humanity. It is civilized civilization. The World State is full of everything one could ever want: sex without commitment, easy access to drugs, and essentially guarantees a state of being content through conditioning. Moreover, death is no longer something to fear and feelings do not exist in their full spectrum. It is through Huxley’s use of satire and presentation of these ideals that made me aware of how those aspects form my definition of what it is to be uniquely human.
The ironic presentation of meaningless sexual relations in Brave New World highlighted the importance of how the biological and emotional aspects involved are is necessary. In the novel children are encouraged to play “rudimentary sexual games” (31) and are viewed as abnormal if they do not want to join in on the erotic play. This seems
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The capacity to think and act for ourselves is essential to being humans as it allows us to build an identity. In Brave New World, no individual identity exists, rather everyone identifies with each other as an entire stable community due to the conditioning process. Conditioning occurs with us as well through media, propaganda, through the ideas instilled in us by our parents, and many other forms, but it is different because we are not born with these messages drilled into our heads and we do not undergo hypnopaedia (28). It is this manipulation of children presented ironically, as a normal and developed method of instilling beliefs that makes me aware and appreciative of having the capacity to think and choose my beliefs, for these two things can help build an

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