The relation between student athletes and psychological stress, has commonly been recognized as a rising struggle in the lives of high schoolers. Student athletes nowadays are playing multiple sports year round. In addition to attending numerous practices and games, these athletes also have to complete homework assignments, study for tests, and prepare for finals. Along with academics, students must maintain a healthy relationship with friends and family to uphold a steady social life. Not only do students have all these academic, athletic, and social obligations, some student …show more content…
Being involved in a sport has been known to help create a more well-rounded individual as everyday skills, tasks, and coordination develop as well as a motivated and dedicated mindset. In a recent study on the effects of yoga on the health of chronically stressed women, researchers found that those who practiced yoga had a decreased level of distress and stress as well as an increase in flexibility and overall fitness (Harkess, Delfabbro, Mortimer, Hannaford, & Cohen-Woods, 2017). These findings conclude that there is a negative relationship between stress and physical activity. Others perceive physical activity as a “modifiable prevention target” (Puterman et al., 2016). Puterman’s studies found that a decrease in physical activity limits the ability for one to resist everyday psychological stress (Puterman et al., 2016). One may wonder how this added activity in each day of a student can contribute to the stress and ultimately counteract the positive consequences of being in a