
Hate Crime in America

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Hate Crime in America
Hate Crime in America
“A Hate Crime is an intentional, deliberate, and methodically-charged crime executed in order to cause harm or damage with regard to a specific victim chosen as a result of prejudice, racism, bias, and unlawful resentment. The range of Hate Crimes is a broad one”.
The paper will inform readers of different types of hate crimes and behaviors of hate crime. From that topic, readers will learn what hate crime, the history of hate crime is and what makes hate crime different from other crimes. The topic will continue with the causes and characteristic of hate crimes informing readers of the popular hate crimes, their victims, and perpetrators. As the paper progress, the paper will inform readers research on what motivates people to commit hate crimes such as people sexually preference, race or their religion. The topic will also touch on common ways of committing hate crimes and who is known for committing those different hate crimes. The paper would also provide research information on ways to address hate crime. Victims of hate crimes now have laws to protect them from people’s cruel intentions. These laws help protect the rights of people who is victimize because of their religion, race, sexual orientation, handicap, ethnicity, or national origin. Offenses motivated by hatred against a victim based on their religion, sex orientation, race, handicapped, ethnicity, or national origin is considered a hate crime, this issue has risen up on the political charts; however, the phenomenon is hardly new. Hate crimes was largely inspired by United States religious and racial bias (Phillips, 2009). Hates crimes go as far back as the early 16th and 17th century when Native Americans were the target of intimidation and violence. (Phillips, 2009). The number of hate crimes committed in the US seems small when compared to other crimes that are committed, but the crime can become more violent than other crimes (Wessler, 2001). When hate crimes are

References: 1) Early Warning, Timely Response, Us Department of Education. (). Retrieved from 2) 1999 Hate crimes Laws, Anti-Defamation League,. (1999). Retrieved from 3) Wessler, S. (2001). Addressing Hate Crimes. Six Initiatives That Are Enhancing the Efforts of Criminal Justice Practitioners. Hate Crimes Series. Bureau of Justice Assistance Monograph, 4) Phillips, N. D. (2009). The prosecution of hate crimes:. The Limitations of the Hate Crime Typology,

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