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Guns Guns and gun crimes have been around for hundreds of years and no talk of banning guns from citizens. It is our right to bear arms. Citizens should not be banned from owning firearms because of a few people’s mistakes; it’s a form of protection. Also, criminals will always be able to find guns, so it would be a waste of everyone’s time to try and ban them from everyone. Yes, most violent crimes are caused by guns, and the rates have been higher. However, it is a protection. In the Balanced Politics article, “Women and weaker individuals may have no means of self-defense from rape or other crimes, especially in the inner city.” That’s not saying every women should carry a gun, but it gives a valid example. Or, how about an armed robber that comes into your house. Are you supposed to defend yourself with a fork? When selling guns there should just be more thorough back ground checks and frequent checks on the individual with the gun. Just because there are few people that do not have self-control and use a gun in a violent act towards others, doesn’t mean that the rest of the world should have to give up a type of protection. Banning guns is also a waste of time, it will be almost impossible to eliminate all the guns around American someone will always have a gun or two to sell and so on. Or maybe making their own guns and so on. Like the Balanced Politics article said “Banning guns will create another potentially large source of organized criminal revenue, as a black market for guns will surely develop.” Just imagine how much more time and effort of the police will be taken looking for illegal gun exchanges or bringing down the guns black market. We need our police patrolling for violent crimes not looking for guns being sold. It is already bad enough they spend most of their time making drug arrests more often than others. So why add unnecessary gun arrests too? Of course, there is an upside to banning guns as well, for example minimizing violent

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