
Gender Stereotypes In The Film Miss Representation

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Gender Stereotypes In The Film Miss Representation
“Miss Representation” is a documentary film written, directed, and produced in 2011 by Jennier Siebel Newsom, a filmmaker, an actress, and an advocate for women. The film focuses on how the American women have been wrongly portrayed by the media; hence, it results in the gender inequality, the lack of female in politics, and women’s misperception about their identity. The targeted audience of this film is all American people, who are convinced to change their mind about stereotypes of women. Jennier effectively convinces the audience that the mainstream media has mainly contributed to the under-representation of women through the use of statements claimed by highly educated, experienced cast members, emotional appeals to its target audience, …show more content…
At the beginning, Jennier uses statistics to show that young American generation exposes to “10 hours and 45 minutes of media consumption a day.” Therefore, the mainstream media will affect their mind, perception, and behaviors. However, through advertisements, movies, music, etc. the media has devalued, under-represented, and negatively depicted the images of women which turns women into objectifying themselves, devaluing their own strength, and living in depression. According to the statistics in the film, “17% of teens engage in cutting and self-injurious behavior,” or “Rates of depression among girls and women have doubled between 2000 and 2010.” By using these statistics, Jennier successfully wake the audience up so that they rethink about how negatively the media has shaped the American society.
In conclusion, through the use of statements claimed by highly educated, experienced cast members, emotional appeals, and remarkable statistics, Jennier effectively convinces the audience that the mainstream media contributes to the under-representation of women. The writer actually delivers a strong message to the whole American society that is media should “value women for more than their youth, beauty, and

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