
Food Inc Summary

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Food Inc Summary
In the documentary, Food Inc., we are given access into the world of industrialized American food production. Because of our modern agricultural farming practices and policies, the quality of food being massed produced in our country has taken a toll on consumer’s health particularly those in lower income brackets. The idea the McDonald brothers put forth on the delivery of fast food by standardizing large volumes of food production is now proving disastrous. I saw this documentary a few years ago when I was working on changing my dietary lifestyle to improve my health. The most compelling things I learned then had to do with the realization that there are only a handful of companies controlling the majority of our food supply with limited regulations and being exempt from serious consequences. I recall very vividly when those E. Coli outbreaks started occurring because as a mother of young children, the horror of learning that a little boy died from eating a hamburger was very frightening. My heart ached for the mother in the story that lost the little boy; all she wanted was for the company that produced the tainted meat to say they were sorry, and explain what they will do to prevent it from happening in the future. Then, we finally learned the truth that feeding an unnatural diet of …show more content…
Back in 2012 when I began my journey of changing my dietary lifestyle, I started frequenting the local co-op in Anoka and purchased organic or grass-fed meats along with mostly organic produce and have never turned back. At the time, my husband started questioning me on why our food budget was increasing substantially and I had to start educating him on the fact that cheap food is not only unhealthy, but it is not cheap in the long run due to the environmental, social, and health costs that are steadily increasing as a result of this cheap

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