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The Illiad

historical basis- 13th century greek city-states vs. Troy troy was on again sea was richest in the world

Homer lived in 8th century BC
19thcentury- Heinrech Schleeman found troy
Homer could be a syndicate- a collaboration of multiple writers

1st book written in Florence, Italy in 1488 our version by W. H. D. Rouse in 1937

Zeus- urge to create,
Callipe- muse of poetry (one of the 12 daughters of Zues)

illiad begins in year 10 of the war the odyssey the second book of Homer is set in the 10 year journey of odyssey back to ithica

PRE- Story
Judgement of Paris

Thetis and Peleas were getting married
Thetis didn’t invite Eris – goddess of chaos so Eris send a golden apple through Mount Olympus on the apple says the word Kallistay (for the fairest) all the women fight over the apple so Zeus makes the cut list on the list • Athena- goddess of victory & strategy & knowledge- Zeus’s daughter came out of his head • Aphrodite- goddess of beauty and love- Zeus’s daughter or sister • Hera- queen of the goddesses and Zeus’s wife.

but Zeus refuses to make the decision so Paris- prince of troy is to make the decision

backstory on Paris born to Hecuba and Prias exiled because in a dream Hecuba was told Paris was going to be the reason they lost the war exiled son to Mount Ida, apollo’s mountain, he protected him and Paris and Aenone were together

The 3 goddesses come to him • Athena- offers him glory in a huge war against the greeks • Hera- offers him to be king of Europe • Aphordite- offers him most beautiful women • uses her belt- Sestus

Aphordite gets apple

most beautiful women in the world was Leda had sex with Zeus had 4 eggs • Pollux • Castor • Helen • Clythemnestra

Helen has many suitors, father makes them all agree to protect Helen
Helen marries Menelaus

meanwhile Paris has gone back to being a shepard on Mount Ida and back to nymph goes to a race and wins…and then the other people plan to kill him untillll Priam admits Paris is the son

so Paris goes to Sparta on diplomatice mission
Menelaus is married to Helen he follows Stranger’s code- since Zeus is patron of strangers
Menelaus goes on a hunting trip, leave, then Paris leaves with Paris to Troy
Menelaus calls all the men to protect Helen • Achilles doesn’t show, cause Mom disguised him as a woman • however odyssey’s tricks him by bringing gifts to women • Achilles chooses weapons over jewelry, discovered ▪ Odysseus doesn’t show either • he is discovered after trying to be a crazy man, and saved his kid so all the Greeks are ready to go but Artemis is upset because Agamemmnon killed sacred deer so Agamemmon sacrificies his daughter Iphigenia to pass the Cachus ( soothsayer) embark on trip


book 1
Agamemnon vs. Achilles
Agamemnon is upset b/c his prize is taken from him Chryseis…..after Oddysseys returns the daughter to her father Chryses …he does this cause there is a plague among the Greeks
Achilles is angry cause Agamemnon is threatening to take his booty. but before he goes to hurt him, Athena pulls him by the red hair. she tells him to relax he can’t and throws the golden studded scepter made by Hephestus

enter Nestor- wisiest and oldest among Greeks, he tells them both to calm down

enter Patroclos- protégé of Achilles and maybe gay lover?
Achilles and Patrocols leave

Oddysseys take Chryseis back to Chryses
Agammemom takes Breisis from Achilles.
Achilles goes cries, and Thetis his mother comes and says that she will talk to Zeus. he wants her to ask him to help the Trojans so he can swoop in and be the hero

Thetis basically seduces him, hand on chin, grabs knees.
Hera observes this , gets angry Zeus says he will beat her.

Book 2
Zeus after napping comes up with a stategy sends Agammemom a bad dream • in the dream he will win the war • gaga goes to tell men they can go home • all a test
The men are almost ready to go. then odysseus persuades them to safe (after whacking Thersites)
Nestor- says they should screw Trojan women then leave.

Agammemon- richest, king, most men, 100 ships
Nestor- 90 ships
Menalas- 60 ships
Oddyssey- 12 ships

macro picture- the war micro- man was killed innocent

Book 3

2 armies are walking forward
Paris on the Trojans side and Menalas on the Greek side
Menalas- ready to kill Paris this scares Paris he retreats to back of army
Hector (paris’s brother tells Paris he is a preety boy)

Hector decides a deul between
Paris and Menalas
Helen is the reason of the war..she thinks

Paris is losing, and is saved by Aphordie,
Menalalos grabs Paris, but then Aphordite makes Paris a mist and takes him to bed chamber of Helen

Book 4
Gods decide war should go on..because of Hera
To start the war again
Athena convinces Pandaros to shoot a arrow at Menelaus and then Athena directs the arrow not to hurt him.

Macro- the whole battle
Micro- Simoeisios could not pay his debt for his family because he is killed by Ajax

Book 5-

Diomedes is a bad A
Pandaras- back of a chariot to try and kill Diomededs, dies by a spear to the root of tongue
Diomedis injures Aphrodite and Ares
Diomedes throws boulder crushes hip of Anees
Anees is the favorite child of Aphordite, and will be founder of Rome
Diomed is afraid of Ares but Athena says he shouldn’t be
Diomieds sticks Ares in the gut
Zeus hates Ares

Menalos gives mercy to a man for a ransom, but Agammemon just kill shim

Hector goes to Paris to go fight, Helen agrees but Paris doesn’t go
Hector goes to his mother to pray to Athena to kill Diomedes after hector leaves bed chamber goes to find his wife at the Scian gates
Little Hector- Astyanax
Hector wife begs him no to go, hector knows he is going to die and the Trojans will lose

Book 7
Appollo and Athena agree to one and one battle

Greek heroes puts names in a hat
Hector vs. Ajaz, it gets dark and they agree to do it another day

Book 8
ZEUSSS FINALLY SAYS ENOUGH no god can interfere besides Athena
Hera plots to take down Zeus with Poseidon, he thinks she’s crazy
Trojans are about to burn the ships, when night fall comes and they camp out in the tents.

Book 9 agammemom finally agrees he screwed up, he realizes Zeus lied to him, and he upset Achilles.

Mia culpa= my bad, public admit of guilt
Agammemmon bribes Achilles to fix everything offers 7 money, 7 women…

Book 10
Agammemom is ripped, ask Diomeds to go w/someonoen on a Trojan night riad. he chooses Odysseus

Book 12
Hector keeps at bay eventually get killed
Hector stormson, talk about poor women, Homer a girl?

Book 13
Hector kills Poseidon’s grandson,
Trojans are just about to burn ships when they are starting to be beaten back
Hector is confronftred by Ajax

Book 14
Nestor advising Agammemon that things are bad
Hera wants the Greeks to do battle, so takes a ambrosia bath and gets a love potion from Aphrodite then goes to bbed,
Zeus takes hera to bed,
Hector hits Ajax- doesn’t hurt him however Ajax crushes Hector
Penleous- spear gets shot at eye through brain, then cuts his head off & has eyeball stuck on spear
Zeus wakes up and sees Hector on the battlefield, asks Hera she lies
Apollo heals hector
Ajax keeps a pike?
Hector kills a pike?

Book 16
Patracolus begs for Achilles to rejoin the war, he refuses but agrees to let Patracolus wear his armour and advises him to save the ships but do not go to far when Patracolus dressed as Achilles enters the battlefield, everybody is terrified
Sarepedon’s most loved human by Zeus
Patroculs kills Sarepedon by a spear to chest with Patrocolus the Greeks fight the Trojans back to the gate
Patrocolus then tries to kill Apollo, Apollo tells him to back down 4 times, he doesn’t, Apollo strikes him, and then Hector guts him and Euophorbos stuck him in the shoulder.
Zeus grants Hector should wear the armour

Book 17
Menalos- leaves Patracolus body
Euophorbus tries to kill Menelaus, he dies instead
Menelas and Ajax keep Patracolus body.

Book 18
Achilles so angry he will reenter war wants new armour asks his mom thetis, he gets armour from Hephestus
Achilles fights to avenge Patracolus ,
Agammemmon requests that Achilles take his prize, instead he makes a competition of them.
Breises comes back to Achilles

Book 20 battle continues
Athena vs. Ares- Athena wins
Hera vs Artemis- hera wins
Apollo vs. Posiedon- no fight
Achilles vs. Aineias aChilles injurges him, but Poseidon saves Aineias

Book 21
Trojans are terrified of the Achilles
Priam son’s- Lyceum tries to buy his freedom, Achilles still spears him in the throat
Schemadrum- river god
Achilles starts to fight Schemadrum
Achilles tries to fight river- hephestus burns river
Apollo puts a mist on Trojans so they can enter Troy as Achilles follows hector doesn’t enter gate even though his parents Priam and Hecuba beg him to

Book 22
Hector breaks and runs when he sees Achilles however Athena in disguise of Hector’s brother Diophobias tells him he has his side, so Hector turns and tries to make a deal, whoever wins, has a proper funeral [pic]

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