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Ei-Book 2 Management Basic Functions

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Ei-Book 2 Management Basic Functions
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Ei-Book Management of basic functions of the operating system Guide to useful training to achieve certification EIPASS®

Copyright © 2011
All rights are reserved according to the rule of law and in accordance with the international conventions. No part of this Ei‐Book can be copied with electronic systems, devices or any other means without the written authorisation from Certipass. Names and trademarks used in this text are deposited or registered by the respective manufacturers.

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Certipass reserves the right to make any change or correction that at its sole discretion deems it necessary, at any time and without any notification. Certipass has prepared this document for the study of materials relating to the culture of the ITC and the better use of personal computers; given the complexity and the vastness of the topic, however, as a publisher, Certipass does not provide any guarantees about the completeness of the information contained therein; but it can also be considered responsible for any errors, omissions, or for any loss or damage caused as a result of such information, or instructions or advice contained in the publication.




This manual is designed to provide the Candidate a useful guide to the attainment of the certification EIPASS®; the contents of the same concern the field of analysis and in‐depth analysis called "Management basic functions of the Operating System (GUI) ", corresponding to the module 2 in the context of the profile "EIPASS® 7 modules". The manual, however, can also be used for the preparation for the examinations provided for profiles from "Basic" and "One" if the Candidate has chosen this subject. In respect of the information community in the criteria for the recognition and validation of digital skills base character "Front Office", Certipass declares its independence and neutrality in relation to Vendor and producers of hardware and software resources; however, for objective requirements related to the character of wide spread of some operating environments, it is possible that, within the examination, to the candidate may be proposed applications and simulations that can be traced back to the latter. It reiterates in this sense, the illustrative of such references. It is hoped, with this contribution, to provide an effective response to the instance moved from our Users and to those who are constantly engaged in providing an adequate training support to our certification processes. Certipass invites those who wished to cooperate with this Department through the elaboration of additional manuals and texts useful to provide adequate support to the candidate for certification EIPASS®, to refer to the same their work. The Scientific and Technical Committee will be responsible for the validation of texts considered the most suitable and effective, legitimizes its use in the context of training. Certipass s.r.l. Department of Education


1 2 3 Presentation .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Basic requirements for the management of the operating system .......................................................... 8 3.1 a. First approach to computer ............................................................................................................... 8 Start the computer ............................................................................................................................ 8

b. Shut down the system ....................................................................................................................... 8 c. Restart the system ............................................................................................................................. 9

d. Online help ........................................................................................................................................ 9 e. 3.2 a. Management of activities and processes .......................................................................................... 9 Setup and personalization of the machine ..................................................................................... 10 . Modify desktop ............................................................................................................................... 10

b. Information on the system .............................................................................................................. 11 c. Install and uninstall applications ..................................................................................................... 11

d. Keyboard language .......................................................................................................................... 12 e. 3.3 a. Print Capture ................................................................................................................................... 12 Using the mouse .............................................................................................................................. 12 Left and right button ....................................................................................................................... 13

b. Duble click ....................................................................................................................................... 13 . c. Dragging ........................................................................................................................................... 13

d. Operations on files with right mouse button .................................................................................. 14 e. 3.4 a. Send the file ..................................................................................................................................... 14 O. S. GUI: recognition and use of icons ........................................................................................... 14 . Symbols ........................................................................................................................................... 14

b. Recognition of the icons .................................................................................................................. 15 c. Working with icons .......................................................................................................................... 15

d. Creating Shortcut ............................................................................................................................. 15 3.5 a. O. S. GUI: Recognition and use of windows .................................................................................... 16 Working with windows .................................................................................................................... 16

b. Switching between windows ........................................................................................................... 18 c. Application window ......................................................................................................................... 19

d. Save dialog box ................................................................................................................................ 19 4 Managing files ......................................................................................................................................... 20 4

4.1 a.

Basic conceptualization ................................................................................................................... 20 Hardware support ........................................................................................................................... 20

b. Folder structure ............................................................................................................................... 20 c. File size ............................................................................................................................................ 20

d. Backup copies .................................................................................................................................. 21 e. 4.2 a. Online storage ................................................................................................................................. 21 Managing files and folders .............................................................................................................. 22 Create a folder ................................................................................................................................. 22

b. Exploring a folder contents ............................................................................................................. 22 c. 4.3 a. Find a file ......................................................................................................................................... 22 Working with files ............................................................................................................................ 23 Common file formats ....................................................................................................................... 23

b. Rename files and folders ................................................................................................................. 23 c. Create and edit a text file ................................................................................................................ 24

d. Order of displaying files ................................................................................................................... 25 e. f. 4.4 a. Recognize and change the properties of a file ................................................................................ 25 Assign a name .................................................................................................................................. 26 Advanced management of files and folders .................................................................................... 26 Select files and folders .................................................................................................................... 26

b. Functions Cut, Copy and Paste ........................................................................................................ 27 c. 4.5 a. Functions Move and Send ............................................................................................................... 28 Deleting and restoring files and folders .......................................................................................... 28 Delete files ....................................................................................................................................... 28

b. Restore files ..................................................................................................................................... 29 c. Permanently delete files and folders .............................................................................................. 29

d. Delete temporary and permanent .................................................................................................. 30 4.6 a. Search criteria in nested archives .................................................................................................... 30 Look for a file ................................................................................................................................... 30

b. Look for a file by extension ............................................................................................................. 31 c. 5 View Recent File .............................................................................................................................. 31

Utilities .................................................................................................................................................... 32 . 5.1 a. Compression and decompression of files ....................................................................................... 32 . Compression of files ........................................................................................................................ 32

b. Compress files ................................................................................................................................. 32 . c. Decompress ..................................................................................................................................... 32 5

5.2 a.

Criteria virus: virus protection ......................................................................................................... 33 Transmitting the virus...................................................................................................................... 33

b. Symptoms of the virus ..................................................................................................................... 33 c. Antivirus ........................................................................................................................................... 33

d. Updates............................................................................................................................................ 33 6 Print management ................................................................................................................................... 35 6.1 a. Output settings on paper (print processes) .................................................................................... 35 Install a printer ................................................................................................................................ 35

b. Default Printer ................................................................................................................................. 35 c. Print a document ............................................................................................................................. 36

d. Print queue ...................................................................................................................................... 36 e. 7 Control of the printing process ....................................................................................................... 36 .

USING INTEGRATED APLICATION ............................................................................................................ 37 7.1 a. Word processing .............................................................................................................................. 37 Start the word process .................................................................................................................... 37

b. Compose and save ........................................................................................................................... 37 c. Format text ...................................................................................................................................... 38

d. Print preview ................................................................................................................................... 38 e. 7.2 a. Text printing .................................................................................................................................... 39 Image processing ............................................................................................................................. 39 Start the application for image processing ..................................................................................... 39 .

b. Make a simple drawing ................................................................................................................... 39 . c. Color the shapes .............................................................................................................................. 40

d. Store design ..................................................................................................................................... 40 e. f. Enter the drawing into another document ..................................................................................... 41 Change the drawing ......................................................................................................................... 41




As for some years the graphical interface and the operating system are indissoluble, in this chapter we will deal with the operating systems to graphical interface. While the birth of the personal computer operating system was a command line, you had to write with a different keyboard commands to impart to the machine, today, integration with the graphical interface allows you to give instructions through a pointing device that can move any visual elements on a screen and activate them. There are a number of different operating systems to graphical interface for personal computers. One, in its various versions, is the most widely spread in the world; many others are devoted to particular machines or special purposes. But all share essentially the same approach, which we will give account. When you go down in detail, however, transactions may slightly differ between the various operating systems and will not be possible to list exhaustively every minimum variation. Then, not only learning the steps that are coded to perform certain tasks to the machine, but also understanding how this occurs, becomes essential. We hope, therefore, that the general discussion of the operations will enable the user to easily identify these differences.



Basic requirements for the management of the operating system
First approach to computer
a. Start the computer

In all of the personal computer, regardless of their form, there is a power button, which, of course, we must operate to turn on the machine as for any electrical and electronic apparatus. Unlike the other electrical equipment, on the other hand, it is not always correct operate the same button to turn off, as we shall see shortly. N.B. : In machines with central unit separated from the screen, the latter will be provided with its own power button to operate separately. When you turn on the computer, starts a stage called boot, in which the operating system is loaded into memory. At the end of this phase, generally, the O. S. requires you to type a user name and password. The user name is a name associated with each user of the computer, while the password is a code consisting of numbers and letters that must be known only to the user for security reasons. The user name and password are set during the installation of O. S., but it is possible to change the settings so that they will not be required. However, if more than one user use the same machine, it is advisable to keep separate profiles, each with its own user name and password. N.B. : In computer connected to a local area network, it is always necessary to have a user name and password for access to the network. After the access, you will see on the screen the graphical interface, whose elements are common to most popular operating systems. The entire area of the screen takes the name of desktop, and is "covered" by an image or a photo as background and that you can change at pleasure. On the desk you will find different icons, small images which serve as a liaison with the file or for the execution of applications. In addition, along a side of the desk, is generally present a taskbar, useful for launching the application programs and to show those already running. Finally, you will see an essential element of the graphical interface, the pointer, a small image typically arrow‐shaped, which can be moved at any point on the screen.

b. Shut down the system
Now that we have seen how to access the O. S., we recognize immediately the correct procedure to shut it down. It is not correct turning off the computer by acting on the power switch, since its operation some files are loaded into RAM, and could be damaged by the sudden shutdown. Instead, we should follow a procedure default. Identified on the screen a button that can portray the logo of O.S. in use or the common symbol of the power on/off . Clicking this, a menu with various items will open, select Shut Down the system, or the most similar to this.

Microsoft Windows


c. Restart the system
Sometimes, as a result of an overload or block of the system, it may be required to restart it without having the necessity of switching off and on. In this case, in the same menu that contains the command of arrest, there is a need to identify Restart the system.

Microsoft Windows

d. Online help
The online Guide is an excellent method for learning the functions of its operating system. The menu item that draws is dislocated differently in the various O.S. , generally, however, is located in the main menu and/or associated with the icon of a question mark. By convention, it can be invoked from the keyboard with the F1 key in every O.S. The Guide contains a search box, through which it is possible to find specific topics of our interest. To do this, type the term that describes the object of your search. Keeping your computer connected to the Internet when you search for a topic of the Guide allows you to always obtain the most up‐to‐date content.

Microsoft Windows

e. Management of activities and processes
If you block the entire application or OS, you may want to end the only process or application blocked in an attempt to recover the data in other applications. In the more common systems can simultaneously press the CTRL + ALT + DEL to bring up a screen in which you select Task Manager. The Task Manager window is divided in tabs, the Applications tab


contains the list of running applications or possibly blocked. Once you select the locked application, press the End Task button.

Microsoft Windows


Setup and personalization of the machine

The aspect that the graphical interface takes can be customized in a functional way by the user, or simply to indulge his taste.

a. Modify desktop
In the various operating systems there are various routes to change the desktop. We list here what are the main modifiable parts: • • • • • It's good to know that there are themes, collections of configurations of the aspect, designed to combine in an optimal manner, which can be applied as a single block setting. The background can be changed with a different image, just click in an empty region of the desktop with the right mouse button and select the Personalize commands or Change background; You can activate and set a screensaver, that after a certain time of inactivity displays on the screen random images; Colors and characters of menus, windows, and bars; Mouse pointers; System suonds.

Microsoft Windows


b. Information on the system
In each O.S. you can obtain information on the resources of the machine and of the O.S. himself. It is very important to know which is the processor and how much RAM is installed, but also what is the version of O. S. in use. In some O.S. options for configuring and setting up all aspects are collected in a control panel, in others they are divided into various menus and submenus. In case of difficulty, you can always consult the Online help.

Microsoft Windows

c. Install and uninstall applications
Even if lately software producers "lead" their applications at the same time across multiple platforms, each application must be specifically compatible with the operating system with which must be used. The O.S. , in fact, serves as the basis and support for applications and these can be installed only on systems for which they are designed. The procedures for installing and uninstalling applications, regardless of the O.S. , require some attention, although the most recent versions is tried to automate them as much as possible. In addition, there are some considerable differences between the O.S. more widespread. In general, to be able to install the software you need administrator privileges. For some O.S. , the software must be recovered before the beginning of the installation and getting any support on which is stored or downloading it from the Internet and verifying that it is the version dedicated to O.S. in use. When you insert a reader of the machine a support suitably prepared for the installation, a dialog box appears, asking the user to confirm the start of the installation. If this is not the case, or if the executable file has been downloaded on the hard disk, it should start it with a double‐click on the icon that represents it. Installation procedures also differ from program to program, some are completely automatic, to the detriment of the possibility to customize the installation, other guide the user with a series of dialog boxes that may require from time to time: the acceptance of the license to use the installation path, whether to perform a full installation or only some of the modules etc.. In other operating systems are present, and possibly updated through Internet, lists of all the programs installable, among which the user can choose. In this case, the same O.S. deals with to download the necessary files and install them. In both cases, the programs installed on the machine are added to a list. Once viewing this list, you can select them and execute the uninstall command. It may happen that the application that is unneeded shares some files with other applications. When this happens, the O.S. requires the user if he wants to keep those files or delete them. It is recommended that you keep them when you are not sure, because, in their absence, the other application that did use them could not work anymore.



Windows 7

d. Keyboard language
At the moment of the installation each O.S. requires the setting of the language of the user, it is difficult to change this language without recourse to a re‐installation. However, you may need to type text in a language different from that set, with the need for the keyboard to have a different arrangement of the buttons. It is then possible to add further "interpreters" of keyboard corresponding to the various languages available and switch easily from one to the other. This is also an option of personalization, therefore generally it will be grouped with other views in this paragraph.

e. Print Capture
The capture of the screens is a function quite useful in various situations. In O.S. more widespread, pressing both keys simultaneously SHIFT+STAMP, the content of the entire screen is saved in memory, from here can be pasted into a document with a special function paste or with the pressure of the keys CTRL+V. In O.S. where the previous combination of keys is not active, it is also available a system application to capture the screen, which dialog box also contains various options that can be activated.


Using the mouse

The main pointing device with which you interact with the graphical interface is the mouse. However, it is not the only, and indeed there are several devices that perform the same function and are used in various areas, we think, for example, it replaces the trackpad on laptops or tablet, which helps designers. Once again, however, the main functions are common to the various pointing devices. Also the keyboard plays a very important role in the operation of your computer. All operations that can be done with the mouse, can also be carried out using the keyboard. This is particularly useful while typing texts, since it is not necessary to detach frequently your hands from the keyboard. Therefore, we recommend that you explore the keyboard and locate in particular keys SHIFT, CTRL and ALT. Dedicate particular attention also to directional keys, arranged in a cross, with the arrows in the four directions. Before analyzing the different operations that can be done with the mouse, it should be noted that the currently operating systems use the metaphor of the archive in order to simplify the management of the files. Each internal or external storage device to the computer is comparable to a drawer, in the drawer can be content files and folders. Folders, in turn, may contain, regardless of the type, other files and other folders. The only limitation is that in the same folder is not possible to have two files or two folders with the same name. In order to facilitate the organization, some folders are intended to contain a certain type of file and are named appropriately, for example the Pictures folder, but nothing prohibits to include other types of files inside. N.B. : In some computer a single hard disk may have been divided into partitions. In this case, each partition is view from O. S. as independent disk.


It is also important to introduce the concept of selection. Each transaction with the mouse has only effect on the selected objects. To select an object, simply click on the icon that represents it, you will notice that the object is highlighted with a different color. For more information on the instrument or on the file linked to a specific icon keep the pointer on the icon (without press keys) and wait, there appears a text box containing suggestions for the function or details on file.

a. Left and right button
The pointing devices present have, with few exceptions, at least two buttons. These keys have two different destinations: with the left mouse button (but buttons can be inverted through software for the left‐handed) conduct all the most common operations, such as clicking, double‐click the selection and dragging; with the right button, you can turn a contextual menu, which changes depending on the position of the pointer when the user clicks. If, for example, try to click with the left in any point of a text, only get the displacement of the cursor at that point, by clicking with the right at the same point, on the other hand, a menu appears with commands relating to the management and formatting of the text.

b. Duble click
The double‐click is a transaction conceptually simple, but it may prove difficult for beginners or in special situations. It consists in pressing for twice the left mouse button in rapid succession. This operation is very important, because it allows the opening of an application, a file or folder. The difficulty is to hold the mouse between the two clicks, otherwise the operation is acquired from the interface as click+Shift+click. You can configure the speed of double‐click through the options of mouse configuration. Try to double‐click on the icon of a file, the file should open in the associated application for editing.

c. Dragging
The drag operation is to focus an object with the pointer, press the left mouse button and keep it pressed, move the mouse until the pointer indicates the place where you want to move it and release the mouse button.

Microsoft Windows

With this operation, you can move files between folders. Open a file manager window and try to move a file from a folder to another with the method of dragging. When you drag a file or folder from one location to another of the same disk, the O.S. automatically removes the file from the original location and move it to its new destination. You can change this behavior with the pressure of some keys. For example, if before to release the mouse button is still pressed the CTRL key, the file remains in its original location and the destination is created a copy of it. While you accomplish the drag‐and‐drop operation, it should be noted that on the icon appears an arrow in the case of displacement and a sign " +" in the case of the copy.


N.B. : Through the dragging you can move other types of objects in different applications, for example portions of text in word processing programs or content of the cells in spreadsheets.

d. Operations on files with right mouse button
In all operating systems there are different procedures for obtaining the same result, with the use of only the mouse or keyboard alone and with a combination of both. This is so that each user can choose the method that considers more convenient and faster. The move and copy operations have just seen, plus other file operations may be performed by pressing the right button. Clicking on the icon of a file, the aforementioned context menu appears. This menu contains the commands for the most common actions: Open, Cut, Copy, Delete, Rename, etc.

Microsoft Windows

e. Send the file
A specific issue deserves the contextual menu command Sends a. With this command you can send a copy of the file to various destinations. What are these destinations depends on the installed applications in the system and the storage devices connected to the machine. For example, you can send the file as an email attachment, or copy it on a USB key

Microsoft Windows


O. S. GUI: recognition and use of icons
a. Symbols

You will notice that most of the icons, also in the various operating systems, shall adopt symbols in order to simplify the recognition by the user. The folders, which are only a virtual wallet files, are represented as real folders, text files have the icon of a sheet with lines, spreadsheet those of a sheet with cells and a page with graphics and so on.


b. Recognition of the icons Some icons are linked to executable files that start certain applications or system utilities which are connected. The icon of a computer, for example, is typically connected to the file manager and if you double‐click it, you start the file manager system, which allows you to see the different disks and peripherals.

Microsoft Windows

Other icons are links, not the file itself, thus eliminating them, it only deletes the shortcut, not the file. This type of icon is identical to that of the original file, but carries in addition a curved arrow.

c. Working with icons
When you move or rename the icon of a file or application (executable file), the original file is moved or renamed. In this case, be very careful, because if an application looks for the file in question in the original position or with the original name, not found again and, therefore, can not open. Besides, if it is a necessary file to the application, as a configuration file, the application itself may not work. Moving or renaming of a link, however, leave the original file in the same position and with the same name as the first.

d. Creating Shortcut
The usefulness of creating a link is to provide a shortcut to the programs and files you use most frequently, the connection can be placed in a location readily accessible, for example on the desktop. In most of the OS, the Create Shortcut command in the contextual menu appears when you right‐click on an icon. The connection is created in the same folder as the source file, it must then drag to the desired position. Once moved, you can assign a different name and an icon running the Properties command on the context menu.

Microsoft Windows


You can create a shortcut to a file or even an application by dragging its icon to another location while holding down the ALT key.


O. S. GUI: Recognition and use of windows

The GUIs use a rectangular container for each running application, called the application window, to require action by the user and to give messages, the dialog box. It is very important to note that the windows have a band called the top title bar. The title bar of windows application mainly contains the name of the open document and the name of the same. Application window Dialog box Title bar

Microsoft Windows

a. Working with windows
In the title bar are three buttons stylized. One is a strip down and serves to minimize any window to an icon on the taskbar. The application continues to run, as the file remains open on the inside, but is temporarily "parked" so that you can see the other items on the screen. To view the report window simply by clicking its icon in the taskbar.

Microsoft Windows A second button is used to maximize the window so it fills the entire screen, and when it is already maximized, restore it to its previous size. For this reason, has two aspects: that of a smaller rectangle or two rectangles overlap when the window is in the full screen, pressing it to indicate that it returns to normal and that of a larger rectangle when in normal size and can be maximized.


Microsoft Windows

The third button is an "X" and close the application. Closing the window can also be achieved by simultaneously pressing the ALT + F4.

Microsoft Windows NB: In many applications, with a open file, these three buttons are duplicated. Those higher up in the title bar of the window acting on any application, those lower down only act on open files. So, if you press the X on the file, this file is only closed, leaving the application running.

The windows can be resized at will. To do so, should not be in maximized state. Bring the cursor to the edges of the window, notice that it changes shape. With the pointer in the new form, press the mouse button and drag inward or outward of the window, depending on whether you want to shrink or expand, releasing the button, the window will keep the new size. If the operation is carried out on one side, you stir only the affected side, while, if one acts on the corners, you can resize them horizontally and vertically simultaneously.


Microsoft Windows

b. Switching between windows Inside the O. S. you can run multiple applications simultaneously. Because each application will open in its window, the windows tend to overlap easily, in part or completely hide the contents of the window in the background. Learning to navigate between windows is essential because, although most programs can be run at the same time, only the foreground window is active, that is that where typing on the keyboard and mouse action have effect .

Microsoft Windows When two windows are partially overlapping, simply click the mouse on that below to get it in the foreground. If, however, the window you want is completely covered, you must click on corresponding button on the taskbar to bring it back on the foreground.

Microsoft Windows


To move a window click the title bar and hold the mouse button. Drag the window to the new location and release the button.

Microsoft Windows NOTE: To switch between applications you can also hold down the ALT key and scroll between windows using the tab key.

c. Application window
The application window, in addition to the title bar, is composed of several parts. Some of them are specific of the application itself, others are common to all. In most cases you can also configure the program to show them, hidden or otherwise ordered. We see the most common: • • • • Menu bar: contains the application menu; Toolbar: contains clickable icons that perform related actions. An application can also have different toolbars; Status bar: contains any information about the document or open transactions running; Scroll bars: when the document is not opened fully displayed in the window size, allow to scroll vertically or horizontally.

d. Save dialog box This particular dialog box is very important, because it is one that allows you to store a newly created file. Even here, different applications and different O.S. exhibit differences, but the essentials are attributable to the following: • • • Name Box: to indicate the name you want to call the file; Box location: to indicate the location where you want to store the file. Generally, this box is associated with a window through which to move between folders or create a new; File Type drop‐down menu: From this list you can choose the file format you want to store.



Managing files
Basic conceptualization

The files are computer archives that contain any digital document. These files are the letters written to the computer, the images taken with your digital camera and so on. The files take up space on a storage device, which may contain few or many depending on file size and capacity of the device. Files are identified by their name, the user can assign and change, and by extending, generally composed of a sequence of three letters (sometimes four and possibly numbers), preceded by a dot, which indicates format where the file was stored. The same text, for example, can be stored as a. Txt or. Rtf. The format determines what information, in addition to the content itself, may be contained in the file, but first of all what applications are able to read and edit it.

a. Hardware support
In order to be stored the files require hardware support. There are currently various storage technologies, of which the most common are the magnetic, the optical and the solid state. We do not give here a precise description, we will, however, indicate which supports are most common and their main characteristics: • • • Magnetic disks: are the hard disks of almost every computer. Have a mature technology and a low cost, but are not very practical for the transport. CD and DVD: are optical technology, are read by a laser. Average are practical because they require long write times, and have limited capacity. Memory cards and USB flash drives: they have a high price in proportion to capacity, but they are small and easily transportable with a high capacity.

b. Folder structure
As mentioned previously, the graphical interfaces use the metaphor of the archive to organize files. The files, then, can be contained directly on the support or in a folder. In a widely used operating system, storage media are mainly marked with a letter of the alphabet. Neglecting the A and B, historically assigned to the floppy disk now obsolete, C marks the system's primary hard drive, one that contains the OS, D is the CD / DVD. All other storage devices that are connected to the system, is assigned the first available letter in alphabetical order, when disconnected, the letter becomes available for new assignments. Even the folders, in their turn, may be contained directly on the support or in another folder. This ensures that a nested structure is realized. In the graphical interface the structure display is made with a hierarchical list (also called tree), along with media names and folders are graphical symbols: an oriented triangle or alternatively the "+" and "‐ ". The triangle is oriented to the right and the + sign indicates that the backup or folder containing other elements in them. Double‐clicking on the name or symbol, the list is expanded, showing the items inside. The symbol changes into its opposite, and again by double‐clicking on the triangle oriented in low‐or "‐", the list will be regrouped in order to conceal the items.

c. File size
Although the smallest unit of information is the bit, so you can distinguish one letter of the western alphabet takes at least a sequence of 8 bits, called bytes. The byte, therefore, was taken as the informatics unit of measurement. A simple text file containing 10 characters will have, then, the size of 10 bytes. To know the size of a file you can right click on it and select Properties from the context menu.


Microsoft Windows Files containing information of various kinds, such as images, but especially video, are much bigger, so, using multiples of bytes, which are the Kilobyte (KB), a megabyte (MB), gigabyte (GB) and Terabytes (TB). The KB is 1,000 bytes, and so the other multiples go on thousands. A terabyte is equal to 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) bytes. Even if it looks like a very large number, the spread of video files, with a size of several GB each, made sure that the hardware manufacturers place on the market drives of this size.

d. Backup copies
For various reasons it is possible that the files stored in our computers are lost or damaged. It is therefore recommended always to make a backup copy. The more important are the files, so more attention should be put into this operation. The more widespread O.S. provides a tool for the backup to be configured by selecting the storage unit where to store the files and the frequency with which automatic backups to be made. It is important that the backup is not the same hard disk of your computer, because it is very likely that if to be damaged is the original copy of the file on it, is damaged in the same way the backup copy. There are devices specifically designed to backup, but also ordinary CD or DVD are fine.

Microsoft Windows To contain the size of backup archives, the files are compressed (compression will discuss later), so are not immediately usable. To recover data from backup in case of need, you must start the Restore process.

e. Online storage
They are increasingly popular online storage services, which grant, with or without charge, remote computers space to store their files.



Managing files and folders

Each O.S. provides the user with a file manager, a program that lists all files stored in the system, showing the structure of folders, and lets you do all the moves, copying, deleting, etc.. However, the numerous files on the disks will be much easier to find and use if they are organized in some way. The structure of the archive will consist of folders inside of which there are subfolders, where you can add additional folders or files. Remember that you should not use excessive levels of "nesting", because otherwise, every time you want to open or save a file in the last level of folders, you must open all of the previous. A possible classification of the file is one that refers to their content. We will then have, for example, My Documents, My Pictures and a Video folder. Inside the My Documents folder, then, we have a texts folder and spreadsheets and so on.

hard disk










a. Create a folder
Creating a new folder can be done in different ways. Typically, right‐clicking on an empty file manager, or the Create New Folder is in the context menu. Alternatively, can be found in the File menu. The new folder is created in the location currently shown in the file manager. That is to say that if you are viewing the path C :/ Documents, the new folder will be C :/ Documents / New folder.

Microsoft Windows

b. Exploring a folder contents
Folders can be opened in the file manager by double clicking on them. If they contain other folders and you shall do the same to open, the contents of the last open folder replaces in the window that the previous.

c. Find a file
In the default, the files are listed in alphabetical order. In the case of similarly named files, the extension or the associated icon allow to distinguish them. By opening the folders, you can find the files within them. The file manager


has buttons for "surfing" in the structure, like the up arrow, which reports to the top folder or the arrows to the left and right leading to the folder that appears before or after. In the most advanced file managers is also the route and clicking on the names of folders you can explore the latter.

Microsoft Windows


Working with files
a. Common file formats

The file formats are identified by their extension. Almost every application creates a proprietary file format, for this, the extensions are many and specific of the program in which the files were created. Even if two files contain the same text, but were created with two different applications, can have two different extensions, for example. Doc and. Odt. In most cases the two formats will not even be compatible, will not be possible to open one with the application used to generate the other. However, there are some file formats that can be opened, edited and produced by most applications in the same category, among which are:. Txt and. Rtf to text,. Jpg,. Bmp,. Gif, and . png for images,. avi for video. htm and. html for web pages. NB: At extension is associated a default icon, so even in O.S. that hide the extensions, the file type is recognizable by the icon that represents it. It is important to know that in some O.S. there are file extensions that indicate executable files, this is, namely, not that of documents, but programs: are. exe,. bat and. com. Be very careful not to start these programs if you do not know the origins, programs that could be harmful to the system.

b. Rename files and folders
Files and folders can be renamed after their creation, right‐clicking on them and selecting the Rename command. You should always have names that reflect the content. By renaming the file you must be careful not to change its extension. In case you change the latter, will no longer be possible to use the file at least until the original extension will not be restored.


Microsoft Windows

c. Create and edit a text file
With the O. S. are also provided basic applications to perform small tasks. Among these, find a writing program. Open the program. Please write a few words. Until the file is stored, the text is stored in computer RAM. Closing the application without saving it would be irretrievably lost. For this reason, applications offer a dialog box before closing it asks if you want to save the file.

Microsoft Windows

Each time you create a new file the command to store it is Save As. Save the file by choosing a name, a destination folder and a format other than that the program offers. Close the program and through the file manager verified that the file you just created is in the folder you chose as the destination. Reopen the file by double clicking on it. Make sure you open the application used to create it. Add a few words and save it again. The command to use this time is save, because the file is already stored on disk in its previous version. If you use the Save As command again, it creates a new file, leaving intact the previous.


Microsoft Windows

d. Order of displaying files
When you open the file manager, they are shown in the default view of the OS, usually in alphabetical order by name from A to Z. However, you can display them in different ways to facilitate the recognition of the document you are looking for. Using the View menu, choose the display that shows all file details. You notice that in this way the file properties will be shown, such as the creation date and size. Headers will also be added to the different detail columns. Clicking on one of these headers files will be sorted on that detail. Try clicking on the header size, the files will be sorted from smallest to largest. Clicking the same header again, you get the reverse sort, in this case, from largest to smallest.

Microsoft Windows

e. Recognize and change the properties of a file
To each file are associated properties, namely some additional information. This information depends on many factors and are more or less extensive and more or less modified according to the file manager used by the OS and of the type of file. To view the properties of a file, click on it with the right mouse button. From the context menu that appears, select Properties. Explore the next dialog box, divided into tabs, which contains the file details. Identify what you can change, such as the name of the file.


Microsoft Windows

f. Assign a name
The name of the file is easily editable through the Properties window. It is recommended that you always choose distinctive names, which later may indicate the contents of the file without opening it to other persons.


Advanced management of files and folders
a. Select files and folders

Some operations can be performed on multiple files and folders at once. This, however, requires that all relevant files and folders are selected. If you click on an item only, only that file or folder is selected (it is highlighted with a colored background) and clicking on another item, you select the latter element, while the former is automatically deselected. You can simultaneously select multiple files with a click of the mouse if, while pressing the mouse button, holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard. CTRL + Clicking on a file already selected, you clear only that file.

Microsoft Windows When the affected files are listed in a continuous way, you can click on the first and then hold down the Shift key, the last of the list. In this way are selected all the files of the list including between the first and the last.


Microsoft Windows In the presence of any selection, if you do a simple click of a single element, you select only the latter, canceling all previous selections.

Microsoft Windows

NOTE: You can make multiple selections by dragging the mouse pointer into a rectangle to encompass all the elements selected.

b. Functions Cut, Copy and Paste
With a multiple selection enabled, simply click the right button on one of the selected items to bring up the contextual menu containing the Cut and Copy. Selecting one or the other, the files are copied into memory. To be able to paste them into a different folder you must navigate to the destination folder and activate the right button in a blank area of the window. In the context menu that appears, the Paste command will run. Select this to place items in memory at that location. If previously you have selected the Cut command, the elements will be deleted from the source, if you select the Copy command, you will have both elements in the source folder in the destination.


Microsoft Windows

c. Functions Move and Send
In some O.S. the context menu also contains a Move command that has the same effect, in a more direct action to cut the item from one location to paste into another. The context menu command Send instead allow to send the item to a default folder on your system, an external storage device connected to your computer, or, as an attachment by e‐mail. In all cases, the original element is copied and not moved. If you send large elements to a storage device, it is appropriate to make sure that on this there is enough space.


Deleting and restoring files and folders

The current O.S. reserve area in the hard drive called the Recycle Bin to files deleted. When you delete files and folders, these are not permanently deleted but only moved to the Trash.

a. Delete files
To delete a file you can act usually from the context menu. The special command is Delete or Move to Recycle Bin. Some O. S. show a message with a request for confirmation.

Microsoft Windows


It is also possible, once selected the items to delete, press the Delete key on your keyboard.

Microsoft Windows

b. Restore files
A deleted item is still recoverable from the recycle bin, provided that this has not been emptied after the deletion. To access the Recycle Bin should act on the icon of the desktop that has exactly the form of a basket. This opens a window similar to that of the file manager. Select the element you want to restore and click Restore this item on the appropriate button. The file or folder will be moved from trash back to the source.

Microsoft Windows

c. Permanently delete files and folders
To permanently delete files and folders, including deleting them from the Trash, you can act in two ways, globally and selectively. For a complete cancellation of the entire contents of the basket you can either click the right icon and select Empty Recycle Bin command, both to open the basket and press the button with the same name. All items in the basket will be permanently deleted and can no longer recover them (except by special software and in certain conditions), freeing up disk space.

Microsoft Windows


Alternatively, you can open the Recycle Bin, select only the items you want to permanently delete and choose Delete from the contextual menu. Also in this case, some O. S. ask for confirmation.

Microsoft Windows NB: you can delete an item permanently without passing it from the Recycle Bin. When selected, press SHIFT + DELETE simultaneously, but it is an act to be assessed carefully.

d. Delete temporary and permanent
The area of the disk of the Recycle Bin is used only for items stored on the system's hard disk. When you delete files and folders from external storage devices such as USB sticks, memory cards, network drives, the items are permanently deleted and are no longer recoverable.


Search criteria in nested archives

Despite the care taken in the organization of files, you may need to find a document quickly, so the exploration of folders and subfolders would require some time. The O. S. allows you to search using different criteria.

a. Look for a file
In the file manager, navigate to the folder where you think may be the file (if you do not remember you can stop the folder or disk that contains it) and identify the search box, usually marked with the icon of a magnifying glass. To search a file by its name or part of it, begin typing the name in the box. In some O. S. the search proceeds as complete name, in others it is necessary to press the button starts searching when you have finished writing.

Microsoft Windows To search for a file based on other properties, such as creation date or size, you must access the search options and set the search parameters in the appropriate fields.


Microsoft Windows

b. Look for a file by extension
A search of all files of a given type present in the system can be made according to its size and because the wildcard "*". The wildcard replaces a word or part of a term that you do not know. Enter in the search box: *.txt

Microsoft Windows The search result will contain all files of txt type with any name.

c. View Recent File
The application record which files are modified more recently. With this feature, when you open an application, it is not necessary to search the file you want to change in the folder structure, you simply select the Recent Documents item from the File menu and click on the name in the list that interests us. The most recently used documents are also tracked by the OS that, in the appropriate menu items / Recent Documents list them all, regardless of the application. In both cases we have just seen, the application or OS will not be able to open the document if it has recently been moved to another location or deleted.

Microsoft Windows




With the O. S. usually are installed some programs that, although not indispensable, are in practice very useful. In most cases it comes to programs with little functionality, which can be later replaced with dedicated programs.


Compression and decompression of files
a. Compression of files

We have already talked about the fact that the files have a size measured in bytes. You should know that there are algorithms to eliminate redundant information from the files, getting the effect of reducing the file size without altering the content. This operation is called compression. A compressed file can not be changed immediately with the associated application, but must first be unzipped to return to the original format. A compressed archive, even if is a single file, can contain several files and even nested folders. The resulting file has the extension of the algorithm used, among these .Zip extension is very popular. Basic utility for compressing and decompressing the file is usually supplied by the OS.

b. Compress files
To compress one or more elements selected, recourse to the usual menu. In some operating systems, Compressed Folder option is a submenu of Send to. The utility will create a compressed copy of the item in the same place of origin.

Microsoft Windows

c. Decompress
To decompress a selected file with the utility system, double‐click it. The opening window shows the contents of compressed files. In the toolbar there is the Extract button. After pressing this button will open a new window that lets you choose the location to extract the files and other options.

Microsoft Windows



Criteria virus: virus protection

The O. S. can be attacked by various kinds of harmful programs, referred to generically as virus. The analogy with biological viruses is the fact that these programs are able to replicate themselves, that is to create copies of themselves. This is not the complete files, but portions of code that is part of an executable file. These programs, once introduced into the computer, have various, more or less harmful, effects. In the best case they take up disk space and processor time, but they can also damage the same processor, for example, blocking the cooling fan.

a. Transmitting the virus
Like biological viruses, computer viruses do not spontaneously generate, but they enter the system through a contagion. The transmission, then, takes place or through the link in the network or through the insertion of external media. Because computer virus is created by a programmer with the specific purpose of creating malfunctions in computer that is introduced, the methods of transmission are designed to be absolutely transparent to the user, which, in intent, should not notice anything until contagion has not happened. We cite, by way of example, some ways in which can take place the contagion: • • • By an e‐mail; downloading a program from the network; inserting a CD, DVD, USB stick or memory card infected.

b. Symptoms of the virus
When the virus has entered the operating system, it creates any copies of itself, so that, even in the case of detection and deletion, it may continue to act. In addition, in networked systems, attempts to spread to other machines connected or send copies of itself in e‐mail attachments. There are many symptoms of infection, we mention the most frequent: • • • • • • general slowdown of the computer; Deleting Files or Folders; Unusual error messages; reduction of the available space on storage devices; inability to start some programs; crash.

c. Antivirus
None of the most popular O. S. includes antivirus software, but there are many commercial and free versions also downloadable from Internet. The antivirus program should be the first software to be installed on the machines, since it allows to detect the infection of virus and block it before it happens. No antivirus can guarantee a total defense, but, unlike other categories of applications, it is not advisable to install more than one antivirus on your computer, because, besides slowing down in the system, may interfere with each other. Generally the virus is pre‐configured to monitor all activity on your computer. Anyway it is good to set a periodic scan, which is automatically triggered in times of computer inactivity. You can also start a manual scan, in‐depth, and with different options available, monitoring certain files or folders suspects. When the antivirus program detects a virus, requires the user the action to take. It is advisable to try to repair the file, only if not successful, delete the file completely. The absence of a file may affect the functionality of other programs or the OS same.

d. Updates
Among developers of viruses and antivirus vendors is to perform a kind of race. While the former try to find new techniques that allow them to circumvent or evade the controls, the latter refined the techniques of scanning and forecasting to stop any infection. The frequency of virus production is so high that it is necessary to keep updated


daily virus definitions, through Internet. This is also a default setting of the most popular antivirus. In the absence of definitions updated, most recently activated viruses can infect your computer even in presence of the antivirus.



Print management

Many of the tasks performed with the computer are intended to be shared with other people. For practical reasons , it is not always possible, to transfer the file to display on another computer. Sometimes it is necessary to produce the drawing on paper, which is expressed through a shared printer.


Output settings on paper (print processes)
a. Install a printer

The printing operation is quite simple, however, requires a bit of attention.

When connecting a new printer to your computer, you must first install the computer software that tells the system how to handle the device: the driver. The printer drivers are provided by the producer, but, in most cases they can also be found on the Internet. Once inserted the driver CD in the drive, the installation wizard should start automatically. Refer to the guidance provided by the manufacturer for specific procedures. In general, to add a printer, you can use the Control Panel to the appropriate category. Once you click Add, and declared to the system if you want to install a local printer, that is directly connected to the computer, or remote, connected to the network, whether wired or wireless. Continue the process, responding to requests from time to time that the OS makes you through dialog boxes.

Microsoft Windows

b. Default Printer
On the same computer you can install many printers, but when you print a document you send it to one of them. In order not to specify each time on which printer you start the application process, you set a default printer. Print jobs are then addressed to the printer chosen. You can always, during the printing phase, change the target printer, choosing another from the list of those installed. In addition, you can change the default printer by right clicking on the desired and selecting Set As Default Printer.

Microsoft Windows


c. Print a document
In most applications, the printer icon that starts the printing process, is present in the toolbar. This operation prints the document with the current settings, but if you want to set some options, such as the number of copies or the selection of only a few pages, you go to File ‐> Print.

Microsoft Windows Open a text document. Click the File menu. Click on the Print command. In the dialog box that opens choose to print only the page 1 and set two copies.

Microsoft Windows

d. Print queue
Before a print job finishes, using the provided utility, you can check the print queue, that is a list of print jobs in progress, with the status and progress of each.

e. Control of the printing process
From the same window used to view the print queue, you can act on the processes to stop, restart or cancel them.




In addition to the utility system, O. S. also integrates some small applications, with which carrying out simple activities; this is the case of the composition of a letter or of a drawing.


Word processing

A word processing application lets you to write and rewrite a text, correcting and modifying several times, before printing the final version, you will save time and paper. It can also format the text, using fonts, styles, colors and sizes.

a. Start the word process
Depending on the O. S. used, you will have a different word processor and, in some cases, more than one. Locate the shortcut to the application, in the main system or as an accessory. Please note that the icons have a very simple symbolism, so it will be an icon that represents a notebook, a pen, a wrote paper or the like. To start the application make a single click if this is a menu item and double‐click if it is an icon on the desktop.

Microsoft WordPad

b. Compose and save
Within the application window, type a text on the keyboard, you will see it appear as you type. It is important to note that even the simplest word processor automatically wrap at the end of the paper. Therefore it is important not to press the Enter key after each line. The Enter key instead is a paragraph boundary, which is composed of one or more lines, and goes down only when intentionally divides the text above from what follows. A paragraph may have a specific format, for example, can be centered and the remaining paragraphs are left aligned. Stop the work to complete the document later. Save it in the default format. Rtf and close.

Microsoft WordPad


c. Format text
Some formatting features are available with all word processors, unless they are really very simple programs. Among these, are very useful to bring out parts of the text formatting bold, italic and underlined. These formats can also be applied cumulatively. They usually have a button in the toolbar with the initial letter.

Reopen the document you have just created. Aligned to the right the first paragraph. Put one or more words in bold in the second paragraph. Put a word in italics. Put a whole sentence in bold and underlined.

Microsoft WordPad Another kind of formatting very useful, especially when there are lists in the text, are the bulleted list and numbered list. The first puts a bullet or other graphic mark at the beginning of each paragraph, the second key numbers gradually. You can not apply both simultaneously. Add a bulleted list with some items.

Microsoft WordPad

d. Print preview
Before printing you should see a print preview. This display mode shows the sheet exactly as it would be printed. This makes it easy to see that does not correspond to our intentions and to correct the settings before printing.


Microsoft WordPad

e. Text printing
Once you see that the document is ultimate we proceed with the printing, as described previously.


Image processing

Another area in which the computer is used is image processing. This expression can indicate several things, but not all can be made with simple tools provided by the OS.

a. Start the application for image processing
In O. S. in use, identify the image processing application and start it.

Microsoft Paint

b. Make a simple drawing
In the toolbar, select the Rectangle tool. Bring on the canvas and drag the mouse to create a rectangle the size you want. Create a second rectangle so that it overlaps the first.


Microsoft Paint

c. Color the shapes
Select the Fill tool (bucket‐shaped). Select the green color from the palette of colors. Click on the not intersected area of first rectangle. You will notice that only the area enclosed between the lines will be colored green, excluding the portion that overlaps the second rectangle. Select the color red and does not click in the second rectangle intersected.

Microsoft Paint

d. Store design
From the File menu, choose the Save As command and stored in the drawing. Jpg format. The format. Jpg is a compressed image format. This format allows you to maintain small file size, but the algorithm that generates it discards some information, for this is that loss of information. This means that saving (and compressing) the same file multiple times, the final image will be degraded.

Microsoft Paint Close the application.


e. Enter the drawing into another document
Open a text document with a processor that supports the inclusion of image files. From the Insert menu, select Picture. In the next dialog box, go to the folder where you stored the drawing and select it. The drawing will be inserted into your text document.

Microsoft WordPad

f. Change the drawing
Open again the drawing. Add items or change the colors of existing ones. To save the image in another format select Save As dialog box that appears choose a different format from the menu drop‐down.

Microsoft WordPad Close the application.


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