
Does Peaceful Resistance To The Laws Negatively Or Positively Impacts A Free Society

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Does Peaceful Resistance To The Laws Negatively Or Positively Impacts A Free Society
Civil Disobedience

In this world, every person thinks in a different way than other people do. There can be a lot of different opinions about the topic of -- Does the peaceful resistance to the laws negatively or positively impacts a free society? The answer for this question depends on how a person thinks about his /her government.

In my opinion, peaceful resistance to the laws positively impacts the society. I can give one major reason for my this opinion. If the government makes any law which is not beneficial for the citizens and other people who are living in a country then peaceful resistance to those laws would be a very effective way to stand against those laws and government. In this way, people would not damage country's
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Government is for people to protect them and to make sure that the needs of citizens and other people are who not the citizen are being fulfilled in a proper manner.

When the other citizens of US would join the Muslim people into their protest then the government will have to make sure that it listen to the people and decide how it can give that thing to the people what they want from it.

People protest when they want government to listen to them and take decisions as they want. If someone will protest then it would inspire other people also to do the same thing. Then the government will have to do something for it for sure. But it the people choose the path of fight instead of doing things peacefully then it would create a chaos in the society and country which would not be good at all for all of the people.

So, in the end, I want to say that PEACEFUL RESISTANCE TO THE LAWS 100% POSITIVELY IMPACTS THE FREE SOCIETY and inspires other people to take that path which would be good to stand for their own

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