
Different characters in early america

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Different characters in early america
Cahokia: an ancient Native American city (c. 600–1400 CE),The Mississippian culture was a mound-building Native American culture

Mercantilism: Mercantilism is an economic doctrine,dominated Western European economic policy and discourse from the 16th to late-18th centuries.

Headright System is a legal grant of land to settlers. Headrights are most notable for their role in the expansion of the thirteen British colonies in North America; the Virginia Company of London gave headrights to settlers.

Indentured Servitude: a form of debt bondage, established in the early years of the American colonies and elsewhere. It was most used as a way for poor teenagers in Britain and the German states to get free passage to the American colonies.

Bacon’s Rebellion: was an armed rebellion in 1676 at Jamestown by Virginia settlers led by youngNathaniel Bacon against the rule of Governor William Berkeley.

Triangular Trade: is the transatlantic slave trade, that operated from the late 16th to early 19th centuries, carrying slaves, cash crops, and manufactured goods between West Africa, Caribbean or American colonies

Middle Passage: the journey across the Atlantic Ocean from the W coast of Africa to the Caribbean: the longest part of the journey of the slave ships sailing to the Caribbean or the Americas, was the stage of the triangular trade in which millions of people from Africa[1][citation needed] were shipped to the New World as part of the Atlantic slave trade. Stono Rebellion: was a slave rebellion that commenced on 9 September 1739, in the colony of South Carolina. It was the largest slave uprising in the British mainland colonies prior to the American Revolution .

The Enlightenment: a cultural movement of intellectuals beginning in the late 17th and 18th century Europe emphasizing reason andindividualism rather than tradition.[1]

Boston Massacre: an incident on March 5, 1770, in which British Army soldiers killed five civilian men and injured

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