It is my feeling that you must be truthful in all that you do. Along with truthfulness comes fairness. I believe in giving everyone a fair chance. Even though there are individuals that I may not agree with, I must give them a fair opportunity until they give me cause otherwise. There is a deep level of sincerity in my life. Wearing my heart on my sleeve is just part of who I am.
Loyalty is also of the utmost importance to me. This means loyalty to my family and friends. It also means loyalty to my profession no matter what that may be. Without loyalty to my profession, I would not be upholding my integrity. I must give 100% to my profession because this is why I am being paid. I must also maintain that level of loyalty to those I am being paid to help. I would be doing them and myself a disservice otherwise.
Being a charitable person is also very important to me. I believe in the golden rule: Treat others, as you would want to be treated. Compassion towards all is the way in which I was raised. I also believe in being kind to everyone. You may never know their struggles and you may be the only ray of light in their despair. I always go out of my way to help lift others up, as this is my take on good will.
Trust is yet another important characteristic that I try to embody everyday. I believe in building a level of trust with those I come into contact with. This lends itself to accountability. When I am entrusted with something, I take it very seriously and feel that I am accountable for the outcome. I feel this helps to make me a reliable and dependable person. I pride myself on always being the go to person because others see