
Comparing Two Creation Stories

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Comparing Two Creation Stories
In the book of Genesis, there are two separate stories of creation. Both stories include information about God, humankind, and our relationship with God.
The first and second creation stories provide contrasting information about God. In the first creation story, God observes from above, an earth without form or shape, and darkness over the abyss. He begins creation by uttering the words, “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3). God speaks outside of creation, and creates the world and its inhabitants from above, distant, and beyond us. One example of God’s transcendence in the first creation story is how God creates humans from a distant vantage point, saying, “let us make human beings in our image” (Genesis 1:26). The first creation story describes a transcendent God that looks down upon his creations from above. In the second creation story, when God created vegetation, he “planted a garden” (Genesis 2:8). Next, when God created humankind, he “formed the man...and
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In the first creation story, God creates humankind in His image and likeness. God gives humankind dominion over the earth when He says, “Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the tame animals, all the wild animals, and all the creatures that crawl on the earth” (Genesis 1:26). Humankind is also called to be fertile and multiply. In the first creation story, God calls humankind to care for creation and populate the earth. In the second creation story, humankind is asked to care for and cultivate the Garden of Eden, so we too are called to cultivate our own gardens in our lives. The man, Adam, in the second creation story gave names to each and every one of the animals God created, so we are also called to care for the animals God created. Both creation stories illuminate how humankind should care for the plants and animals that we share our earth

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