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College Vs High school

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College Vs High school

I have heard countless times; ‘High school does not prepare you for college.’ To me, this is a very scary thought, but one that is so true. As much as I wish I could say it’s not true, high school really doesn’t prepare you for your future schooling, and that really needs to change. What I have noticed throughout my high school career, and even my older siblings high school careers, is that many teens are enthusiastic about college, but have no idea about how to get there.
Most high schools don’t offer classes on picking out the right college, filling out scholarship and loan application. Nearly two-thirds of high school students want to attend a four-year college, but many of them state that their high school didn’t incorporate classes or programs that helped them get there. At the same time for a high school it is hard to find the time or money to have classes or programs that put a focus on college. Every state has different requirements for graduating and receiving a high school diploma, and a lot of time and funding goes to meet those requirements.
On another level, it is not surprising that teens don’t exactly love school. Being a teenager can be difficult and even the thought of college can send a student wishing they could run back to the easy days of elementary, where all the adults chose things for you. But with college, a student must decide for themselves where they want to attend, what they want to study, and when they want to go to class- and having the influence to help make those choices are largely absent in high school. Also teachers don’t exactly make school in general look fun. Now that isn’t their job to make high school more appealing, their job is to teach information to the students and help make sure they are learning. Although many teachers think they are helping students get to college, more students would agree they feel like they are wasting time in high school, or high school is a joke compared to college.
Lindsay Pierson, a 2011 OTHS graduate, does not think she was prepared enough for her freshman year at college. She stated,
“You are literally all on your own [at college.] No one, such as teachers or parents, checks up on you. If you miss a midterm or a paper, you will most likely fail the class unless you have a nice professor.”
If I have learned anything from my older siblings about college, it is you are on your own. Most college professors don’t give out homework throughout the semester. They usually assign a few chapters of a book that you have the choice to ready/study, give a lecture, and then give you an exam. There really is no one on one from teacher to student. You are expected to take your education into your own hands and pass the classes you are taking. That is one of the main differences between high school and college. And yet high school students and even teachers don’t seem to realize how critical it is to know that system of learning.
“High school prepares you for college in the sense of having multiple classes. In college you definitely can have a lot of classes depending on your career choice and the basic studies you need to take. But high school definitely doesn’t help you learn the time management. Yes, some teachers give you homework, but it’s not due the next day and they aren’t pressuring you into turning it in. It is up to you to the do the homework or sit down and study, or to show up to class for the lectures. The kids that apply themselves in high school thoroughly will have a better chance in transitioning into college, whereas the students who procrastinate in high school and don’t take it very seriously will really struggle and be more stressed out during their college experience,” said Matthew Jackson, a sophomore at Gillette College. A typical high school student usually thinks about the fun parts of college and tend to forget the hard work they must do. Freedom and parties sound a lot more appealing than staying up all night studying for the exam the next day. High school is completely different. If you miss an assignment or don’t show up to class one day, the usual punishment is basically a slap on the wrist and the famous words ‘don’t do it again’ or ‘turn it in on time’. Yes, some teachers will be harsher and form more suitable punishments, but most just let students off easy. College professors defiantly don’t let students off easy. No, nobody is going to yell at you for missing class or not studying, but when the final exam comes that determines if you pass or not, you will be screaming at yourself ‘why didn’t I study!’ Don’t get me wrong, you can definitely have a social life and fun times in college and still maintain good grades. It happens all the time. Most people adapt to the college life because they learn quickly about organization and time management. But they usually learn these skills from mistakes in college. High school definitely doesn’t give you many of the skills required for college. But that can change. “If there were actually classing in high school that taught students better organization skills not just for life in general, but for the college life, I think students would be way better off and more prepared. The classes would also need to incorporate time management skills. Even having help on learning to fill out all the paperwork that comes with college makes a big impact. Also having lessons on how to get money for college would help students a lot too. Although since most high schools don’t offer classes like that, and probably won’t for awhile, my advice for all high school students take advantage to college courses. Take free college courses or even ones you can afford, and get started in high school. It helps a lot. Also, apply yourself 100% in everything you do,” said Jackson.
High school definitely doesn’t prepare students enough for the college experience, and in my option that needs to change. Although it is up to the school to help students get to college, it is also up the students to get involved and learn the steps they need to take to be able to move on to college. Both students and teachers can help start taking the right steps for a better future, but when it comes down to it, it is up to experience and dedication to be able to handle all the college throws at you.

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