
Bless Me Ultima Loss of Innocence

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Bless Me Ultima Loss of Innocence
How do we transform from a little, young child to a big, grown adult? What problems do we face? Who helps us decide our future? In Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya, Antonio Márez must forward on the way to his own moral self-sufficiency. Antonio is put into the center of many distressing events which cause him to grow up faster, and lose his innocence. Antonio has many questions about spirits, god and beliefs. To get his answers, he must undergo a transformation.
To attain maturity, you must have a loss of innocence. For example, when a kid finds out that Santa Claus is not real, he is disappointed and cannot believe the fact that there is no Santa Claus, because he had the belief that Santa Claus is real. When someone has believed something for a long time, it is hard for them to accept the truth, so they are usually trapped between an enchanting belief and reality. As a child grows up, he or she starts to know about the harsh, intolerable conditions of life. What was a pleasant, calm world would not be as calm and pleasant. During this time, life can be very difficult, irritating, pressuring and bewildering. In Bless Me Ultima,Antonio undertakes a rough adventure to seek his true faith and his beliefs. Antonio must transform from an innocent six year old to a fully grown, brawny man. He faces many experiences which always makes him doubt his beliefs, and his innocence slowly fades away as he experiences each incident. For example, when he experiences Lupito’s savage death, he has many questions about good and evil, punishment, sin, and his destiny. He starts to view the world as vicious and merciless, not the genial, affectionate world he had seen before. Antonio even starts to worry about his own father’s lifeline, since he was involved in the death of Lupito. He is tormented by more deaths, when Narciso, a virtuous man, is murdered while trying protect Ultima,whereas Tenorio, a seemingly wicked man, is forgiven. He believes that these results are not fair,

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