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Bad Effect of Staying Up Late and the Adjustment Methods

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Bad Effect of Staying Up Late and the Adjustment Methods
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Have you ever missed your work/class or failed on concentrating on one thing after staying up late? There are too many reasons to prove that staying up late is a bad habit, and it might affect people’s whole life. If you have that kind of problems, adjusting your life cycle time will be your best choice because you will never know when your body will stop functioning.
The most serious thing affects people for staying up late is health problem. Many people will not feel anything from their bodies until they get old. As they keep this bad habit for a few more years, their immune system may be so weak that they get sick easily; moreover, their livers may be damaged and become dysfunctional... etc. Some people who already get used to be a night person, it is hard for them to notice the time is passing fast or they might enjoy night times to do things. If people who always stay up late do not change their lifestyle, they will be regretful when the diseases come up unexpectedly.
There is a first important step to adjust this bad habit easier. If you are the one who doing nothing during nights, such as watching TV or browsing websites, try to find a goal for yourself to go to bed early. If you do not have passion on it, you will never quit the bad habit. For some people, it might be hard to give a try at the first time because they might have already stayed up late for several years.
There is another suggestion for someone has problem going to bed early. You should improve your sleep quality. For example, Bedroom should have good soundproof walls which keep your room quiet. Also, as you sleep, try to block or turn off most of the lights; in addition, keep the room in a comfy temperature. Gradually, you go to bed early and have good night sleeps. Those two suggestions need high patience to complete. If you are the person who needs someone to push you or force you to complete one thing, here is another suggestion: Try to find a job or class which needs you to get up in the early morning. When you need to get up early, you must feel tired after finishing work or class, and then your body will give a spontaneous behavior, which is sleep early.
All in all, although people can do many more things at night during their natural sleeping time, the loss from it still makes it an unworthy thing to do. Therefore, people should try their best not to stay up late if is not necessary. However, trying to adjust the life styles in order to get rid of the bad habit becomes an important goal for all of us to achieve. From the above suggestions, follow it step by step I believe you will have the huge harvest after changing the life style, and everything will become bright!

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