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Anthem paper As the novel opens Equality 7-2521 states that what he's doing is a sin. In his society it is a sin to do things that do not involve others, and the words he thinks and writes are for no one eyes to see or hear, but his own. In his society everyone thinks the same, and if you were to be the different one you would be sent to the palace of correction and detention. Equality 7-2521 actually had a mind of his own. “But here, In our tunnel we feel it no longer’ when Equality states this he is referring to fear, He can no longer feel it he is safe. Equality is away from it all. Equality’s individuality is restored in the tunnel. Also Equality is no longer enslaved by his society.
In Anthem the leaders not only enslaved the bodies of their people, but they also destroyed their minds and had seek to accomplish a evil tasks. The leaders of Equality 7-25121 “the House of Scholars” community took control of the bodies and mind of the citizens, by completely brainwashing them from the day that they were born. The people didn’t try to fight back or escape because they didn’t know that the way they were living is wrong or that there was any other way to live. By making it a sin to be an individual they didn’t have to worry about those who were smart that could figure out the truth.
From the day that they were born every baby was taken to the house of infantry without ever getting to see their parents. Then as they grew older they are sent to different houses, at different stages of their lives, and once they turn of age they are sent to have a baby with someone they do not know and the cycle continues, This is slavery to its full extent.
The society in the novel completely takes away individualism. The citizens of the setting do not have names and are not allowed to choose their jobs, friends, or even spouses. The character says “There is nothing left around us” which is directly related to the

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