
Animal Testing As the analyst draws closer, the mouse’s heart skips a beat.

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Animal Testing As the analyst draws closer, the mouse’s heart skips a beat.
The little mouse hides in the back of its cage. The mouse shivering while trembling in fear. As the analyst draws

closer, the mouse’s heart skips a beat. When the analyst reaches, the mouse tries to dodge the hand. He grasps the

mouse’s body; the mouse tries to squirm out of his hand but no luck. The analyst grabs his long needle and inserts it into

the mouse’s blood. The mouse was agonizing in pain. The chemical courses through the mouse’s veins. Its heart beat

starts slowing down. The mouse closes its eyes and hopes for the best. It took its last breath and its life was gone. Animal

testing should be banned because they aren’t reliable, harms animals, and there are other ways to test.

One reason that animal testing should be banned is because they aren’t reliable. Drugs that pass animal test

end up harming or killing humans about 61% of the time. Adding to that, 95% of the drugs passed by animal tests are

immediately discarded as useless or dangerous. Also less than 2% of human illnesses are seen in animals. This means

that more than 98% of human diseases are not seen in animals.

Also, animal testing should be banned is because it harms animals. Over 100 million animals are meaninglessly

killed in labs each year. They are poisoned, blinded, or cut open for testing and research. This has gotten so bad, that

about 33 animals die every second of everyday just for animal testing. This can cause many animals to start to be extinct.

The last reason animal testing should be banned is because there are hundreds of other ways to test. Using

blood from human volunteers to test for the presence of fever-causing contaminants in medicines can save hundreds

of thousands of rabbits each year from traditional "pyrogenic" tests. We can use synthetic skin for testing lotions and

medicines. Also, we can even use computer modeling and simulations. If those do no good, we can always find ways to

prevent. Prevention is always more

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