
A Thousand Splendid Suns Analysis

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A Thousand Splendid Suns Analysis
Women in Afghanistan are like servants; always abiding to their master. A Thousand Splendid Suns, written by Khaled Hosseini, takes place in Afghanistan during the war as the Taliban is taking over. Mariam and other women living in Afghanistan are continuously mistreated by men, both husbands and fathers, of the country. I believe women in Afghanistan deserve to be treated better by these men; they should not be taken advantage of, disrespected, and used. I strongly believe Mariam is mistreated by her father, Jalil. Although Jalil will not admit that he forced Mariam to marry Rasheed, Afsoon, Jalil’s wife, says, “Actually your father has already given Rasheed his answer… Rasheed is here… he has come all the way from Kabul...”(Hosseini …show more content…
Mariam has dinner ready for Rasheed when he is done with work, but he consistently tells her that her food does not taste well and forces her to chew pebbles and rocks. Rasheed says, “...Now you know what your rice tastes like. Now you know what you’ve given me in this marriage. Bad food, and nothing else” (Hosseini 104). I believe that men, like Rasheed, should be grateful that women, like Mariam, cook and clean for them. I would feel underappreciated and used because I could not surpass his expectations. My dad is always thankful for the cooking my mom does even if it is not his favorite meal. Rasheed tries to force kids on Mariam as well. Despite the uncontrollability of miscarriages, Rasheed becomes angry with Mariam and marries Laila because she can bear children. He tells Mariam, “… I have friends who have two, three, four wives. Your own father had three. Besides, what I’m doing now most men I know would have done long ago...”(Hosseini 215). This breaks my heart because Mariam has tried to please him and give him children, but it is not possible. I would feel helpless and bitter that I can not provide, but he also needs to take her thoughts and feelings into consideration. Mariam is treated awfully by Rasheed as he takes her for granted and disrespects

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