Description To investigate the effect on caffeine on heart rate of water fleas and to understand the risk of high level consumption of caffeine to the health of the human circulatory system and nervous system. Preview Diagram 1: Chemical structure of caffeine Image source: The images above show the chemical structure of caffeine which has a chemical formula of C8H10N4O2. Caffeine was named by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
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The Effect of Caffeine 1% and 2% on Daphnia magna’s Heart Rate Abstract: Ectothermic animals are animals whose body temperature is affected by their surroundings. This means that if the environment is cold the animal will be cold. If the environment is warm the animal will be warm. This is because the animal doesn’t have the capability of regulating its body systems to keep a constant body temperature. When an ectothermic animal is cold‚ its heart rate will lower. When
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The Effect of Caffeine on Heart Rate Caffeine is made by plants as a way of getting rid of insects. Cocoa is produced in South America‚ coffee in Africa and tea is produced in Asia have all been used for a very long time to give us a little rush in order to keep us going. Now caffeine is also used as a flavour enhancer in cola and other soft drinks also it has medicinal uses in aspirin preparations and is found in weight-loss drugs and as a stimulant in normal people in everyday to
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Practical 1.1 Introduction: Caffeine belongs to a class of compounds called methylxanthines and can block a receptor on the surface of heart muscle cells for adenosine. In fact‚ it is caffeine’s blockade of the A1 adenosine receptor in the heart that causes the heart to pound after a significant caffeine dose. Caffeine and similar compounds also inhibit a class of enzymes known as cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases. These enzymes are‚ in part responsible for degrading a stimulatory signal produced
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The Effects of Caffeine on the Heart Rate of Daphnia This lab was designed to show how caffeine affected the heart rate of daphnia after exposing them to different concentrations of caffeine for ten minutes. Caffeine is a stimulant‚ which‚ in humans‚ causes heart rates and blood pressure to increase. Its effects range from mild alertness to heightened anxiety and body tension. We wanted to see if caffeine affected the daphnia’s heart rate in the same way. We filled three containers with three different
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Hypothesis: As the caffeine concentration rises‚ so does the mean heart rate of daphnia. Risk Assessment: In this experiment there are the following risks both for the human that carries out the experiment and the daphnia: ← The human that carries out the experiment should be cautious not to touch the lamp with wet hands since it uses electricity. ← Also‚ be careful not to spill any of the pond water on the floor. ← As for the daphnia‚ there is a chance for them to die as when
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and caffeine has an effect on heart rate‚ using the freshwater crustacean‚ Daphnia magna‚ as the experimental subject. For humans‚ alcohol works as a depressant‚ slowing down the heart rate of the consumer; caffeine works as a stimulant‚ increasing the heart rate of the consumer. The heart depends on an internal pacemaker system to keep it pumping consistently and at the right speed. Alcohol disturbs this pacemaker system and causes the heart to beat irregularly. Studies show that caffeine consumption
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Investigating the effects of Caffeine on the heart rate of Daphnia Shrimp. Aim: In this experiment we are trying to find out how varying the concentration of caffeine can affect the heart rate of Daphnia shrimp. Prediction: I predict that caffeine will increase the heart rate of the shrimp . Introduction: I believe the results will comply with my prediction. Caffeine is a compound found in especially tea and coffee plants and acts as a natural pesticide. Caffeine is a central nervous system
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Does caffeine affect heart rate? Background Information: Caffeine is a bitter white crystalline xanthine alkaloid that acts as a psychoactive stimulant drug. A German chemist‚ Friedrich Ferdinand Runge‚ discovered it in 1819. Plants produce caffeine as an insecticide. It is found in varying quantities in the beans‚ leaves‚ and fruit of over 60 plants‚ where it acts as a natural pesticide that paralyses and kills certain insects feeding on the plants. Cocoa in South America‚ coffee in Africa
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IntroductionThe purpose of this experiment is to determine whether or not caffeine has an affect on the heart rate of DaphniaHypothesisThe Daphnia heart rate will increase with the concentration of caffeine. I based my hypothesis on the fact that humans heart rates increase with caffeine as it acts as a stimulant drug. In the experiment there will be several variables that I need to try and control‚ the temperature of the water is one of these because if the temperature is higher or lower on the
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