

Act 5: Scene 1 to 11

Act 5, Scene 1

Lady Macbeth has been sleepwalking, and a gentlewoman and doctor show their concern. At the king’s palace, Lady Macbeth enters. Clearly, she is in a sleepwalking trance. She holds a candle. In the trance, Lady Macbeth delivers her famous speech that begins, “Out, damned spot.” Lady Macbeth sees blood on her hands from the murders of Lady Macduff and Banquo, and she worries that she will never be able to wash off the blood. As she exits, the doctor and gentlewoman try to unlock the apparent mystery of Lady Macbeth’s madness.

Act 5, Scene 2

The English army marches toward the castle. Outside of Dunsinane, some Scottish lords converse. Malcolm leads the English Army. Soon, the Scottish Army will join forces with the English Army. However, Macbeth has prepared the castle for such instances.

Act 5, Scene 3

Macbeth comes into Dunsinane confidently; because he believes in the prophesies of the witches, Macbeth does not fear the approaching army. Macbeth’s servant, Seyton, verifies that the army has about 10,000 men. He also confirms that the army is heading toward Dunsinane. Despite his confidence, Macbeth puts on his armor. Macbeth’s doctor warns him that Lady Macbeth is suffering from hallucinations and delusions.

Act 5, Scene 4

Malcolm discusses with Siward, the English lord, Macbeth’s plans. He tells him that Macbeth has prepared the castle for the attack. In order to keep Macbeth and his cohorts from realizing how many men are coming toward the castle, Siward and Malcolm come up with a plan. They decide that each soldier will cut off a bough from the forest, and the soldiers will hold the boughs in front of their faces and bodies as they approach the castle.

Act 5, Scene 5

Inside the castle, Macbeth feels confident that the enemy will not be able to pass the barriers of his castle. A woman screams....

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Essays About Macbeth