To make Othello question Desdemona’s love for him Iago uses rhetorical questions. When Othello says “…than answer my waked wrath!” Iago comes back with “Is’t come to this my lord.” Later he goes as far as to say “Are you a man? Have you a soul or sense?” This puts the idea of Desdemona having an affair with Cassio in his head, this also serves to make Othello question much of what he held true. Othello believed that Iago was an honest man. Iago acts very sympathetically towards Othello and in doing this he creates the illusion that he knows what he is talking about. This leads Othello to sense that Iago knows more than what he is sharing. Iago’s questioning ways lead Othello into thinking the worse about Desdemona and Cassio, Iago gains exactly what he wanted, manipulation.
Iago continually uses rhetorical strategies to manipulate others. He uses many devices to put false accusations into Othello’s head. In lines 330-447 in act 3 scene 3, Iago uses rhetorical questions, imagery, and sarcasm to make Othello believe that Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona.
To make Othello question Desdemona’s love for him Iago uses rhetorical questions. When Othello says “…than answer my waked wrath!” Iago comes back with “Is’t come to this my lord.” Later he goes as far as to say “Are you a man? Have you a soul or sense?” This puts the idea of Desdemona having an affair with Cassio in his head, this also serves to make Othello question much of what he held true. Othello believed that Iago was an honest man. Iago acts very sympathetically towards Othello and in doing this he creates the illusion that he knows what he is talking about. This leads Othello to sense that Iago