Eric Nelson
Chem. 253-1: Deepali Rathore
Lab 1: Preparation of Synthetic Banana Oil
Purpose To create Isopentyl acetate with no more than 10% isopentyl alcohol and no more than 2% acidic acid in its composition.
Theory Esters are a chemical functional group that usually forms by loosing a hydroxyl group and having it replaced with an alkoxy group with the loss of hydrogen. Esters are most commonly produced by taking a carboxylic acid, and reacting it with an alcohol with a acid catalyst in a process known as Fischer esterfication. Esters can be used in many ways including perfumes and artificial flavorings, and can be used alone or in a cocktail of different esters working together. Isopentyl acetate is the ester being synthesized in this lab. Isopentyl acetate has a strong banana odor when undiluted, and a pear odor when diluted. It is also used as an artificial flavor of butterscotch, honey, coffee, banana, and pear.
Reaction Isopentyl acetate synthesis reaction:
Percent Composition Percent yield = Percent area = 100% because there is only one peak.
The procedure was followed as read on the standard scale procedure on page 76 of the textbook. Each operation was also followed as read in the operations portion of the textbook starting on page 620. For safety, goggles were worn at all times during the experiment. Extra care was also taken when dealing with both sulfuric acid and acetic acid. Measuring of sulfuric acid was done under the hood only. Extra care was given to these two acids due to their ability to cause chemical burns and their harmful vapors. Minimal contact was made with both isopentyl acetate and isopentyl alcohol because they can both irritate the skin and eyes.
Observations/Results The final product was reported to be 100% isopentyl acetate according to the gas chromatogram. The pure undiluted isopentyl had a odor of artificial banana flavoring.