Watson, J. (2008). Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring, (Rev. Ed.). Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado.…
Jean Watson refers to the human being as “a valued person in and of him or herself to be cared for, respected, nutured, understood and assisted; in general a philosophical view of a person as a fully functional integrated self. Human is viewed as greater than and different from the sum of his or her parts” (Watson, 1979). Her theory and concepts focus on the relationship between patient and nurse and the promotion of unity and harmony within the mind, body, and soul. According to Watson, caring which is manifested in nursing has existed in every society. However a caring attitude is not…
Jean Watson, a nurse, who through personal experiences, beliefs, values and, higher education states that the focus of nursing is human caring, According to Lukose (2011) "Caring and the healing task is more heart-centered than conventional nursing practice and extends to examine self and others." The major concepts of Watson's theory of human caring in the caring-healing process has expanded over the years, but based off her theory that it is According to Lukose (2011) "connected with the high energy of the universe." Watson's states that the nurse creates a healing environment through forgiveness, compassion and love. Also that by using carative factors and a transpersonal relationship the nurse will be able to treat the whole patient (mind, body, and soul).…
I do have a similar experience like you. My aunt was a nurse and I used to visit her very often to deliver her lunch. The hospital was run by catholic missionaries and was a beautiful place with lot of trees and flowers. During my visits, I used to get lot of toffies from nurses and nuns. I have been fascinated with their white uniform and decided to be a nurse when I grew up. I choose nursing as I like to care for the sick and needy. Watson’s caring theory influence me a lot and I have done a lot of research on her theory. Her theory has a special place in nursing as nursing is caring. The felling of caring is not thoughtless, it is thoughtful. The expression of caring can be vary but it is the feeling, that shapes the course of…
Caring, central to nursing practice as it promotes patient health outcome spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Society sees nursing as a caring profession and it is also a reason why many of us chose this career path. Caring is one of the main reason why I decided to pursue nursing as my profession. Earlier this year in my intro to nursing class, I presented on the Watson’s Caring theory for our class project. It was also where I discovered that Kaiser Permanente whom shares the same belief model. Kaiser integrated the model of Caring Science, also known as the Watson’s theory into their nursing practice. Kaiser’s belief model is the ideal work environment that shares my core values about nursing. It is important to recognize future employer’s values because it is the framework that guides their practice in the clinical setting. Leading to the concept…
Jean Watsons Theory of Caring has become essential in nursing. Caring is at the core of nursing and is vital in providing positive patient outcomes. Watson’s theory is based upon human caring relationships and experiences in human life. She acknowledges a caring relationship and caring environment preserve human dignity, wholeness, and integrity and to restore the person’s harmony it is the nurse’s responsibility to assist an individual to establish meaning in illness and suffering (Cara, 2008). Nurses have a responsibility to evaluate the patient’s physical, mental, and emotional well- being.…
Nursing is a science that has many theories to support the beliefs and clinical practice of the profession. One core concept prevalent in many nursing theories is caring. Theorist Jean Watson and Madeleine Leininger are both nursing theorists who developed theories around caring and nursing. The subject of discussion in this paper is the comparison and analysis of the concept definitions of Jean Watson’s Theory of Philosophy and Science of Caring and Madeleine Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality of nursing. Also included is an in-depth discussion of Jean Watson’s theory and how the theory can be applied to nursing practice.…
Jean Watson’s theories of nursing are instrumental in today’s structure of nursing. Watson’s theories are being practiced in various health care setting all over the world. One of these theories in the nursing process. This entails first assessing patient, planning, intervention and evaluation. There is multitude of research proving these theories to be effective in treating and caring for patients with this consistent approach. In this paper I will dissect her different carative factors learned and that is being practiced. I will discuss different examples of Watson’s theories of caring and its application. This will depict the level of importance and how valuable this approach certainly is. Nursing is also being based on more scientific approaches that Watson’s bases some of her theories. This is consistent with the changing nature of the philosophy of science and history, and the numerous methods for the advancing knowledge of nursing. Watson (1999)…
A Nurse is defined as a “person trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital” (The free dictionary, 2002) while caring is defined as “a feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others; showing or having compassion” (The free dictionary, 2002). The two are very intertwined with each other. To be a nurse you must show both aspects. An ideal nurse to me is someone that goes out of their way to help others, someone that is an overall caring person that is professional, passionate and is wanting to make a difference in the community while applying their knowledge. Nursing is more than just taking care of client while their ill, nursing is creating relationships, show characteristics of the CNO standards while also implanting…
My personal philosophy reinforces the existing nursing theories, because it borrows heavily from Jean Watson theory of Human Caring. The main defining elements of my philosophy are respect for life and dignity of every person. This implies that the theory takes into consideration the various physical, spiritual and environmental needs required by patients to attain the anticipated health outcomes. For this reason, my personal philosophy places a greater responsibility on the nurse to create a favorable environment of promoting health for the…
Nursing is a profession that constantly evolves to improve itself. There is a high demand for nurses all across America. Excellent nursing practice is achieved by understanding the history of nursing and integrating the milestones achieved with the present practice. Through advanced education and new technology the nurse can provide the patient with the best care and promote community health. Knowledge gives us power to change and advance in healthcare. My mission is to demonstrate excellence in clinical care by my commitment to evidence-based practice research, continuing education, and by delivering culturally competent patient…
Jean Watson’s Theory of Transpersonal Caring also called Theory of Human Caring or The Caring Model was developed in 1979. Jean Watson defines caring as a science. Watson’s caring theory Cara (n.d.), “allows nurses to practice the art of caring, to provide compassion to ease patients’ and families’ suffering, and to expand the nurse’s own actualization” (para. 7). According to Watson (2001), the major elements of the Theory of Human Caring are…
The University of San Diego which has the Hahn School of Nursing and Research has a page of many theorist that they use for their research, and Jean Watson is one of them. However, they just have a link that takes you to Jean Watson's web page (Nursing Theory and Research, 2016).…
Caring has been a primal concept and the heart of nursing since before it became recognized as a profession. The word “nursing” itself means to nurture or care (Smith, Turkel & Wolf, 2013) and so in my opinion, it is not possible to respond to the calls of nursing without caring at its forefront. This unit’s readings have not changed by views, but rather enhanced them. I have learned about the historical debate that has taken place with those who oppose caring as being part of the unique perspective of nursing. For example, Mary Jane Smith argues that caring is present in many professions, not only in nursing, and so it is not unique to nursing (Smith et al., 2013). While it is true that caring is used in all types of professions and ultimately in all human relations, nursing is the only discipline that is developing knowledge about how caring “facilitates health, healing and the quality of life” (Smith et al., 2013).…
Jean Watson began her theory of human caring in 1979 and over the years, she has been revising her theory to provide more specific explanations of her concepts and philosophy. The core of her theory remains, that human caring is based on values such as kindness, concern, and love of self and others.(Falk Rafael, 2000). This paper exhibits human caring as it relates to the patient -nurse interaction in a caring moment. Caring moments are relational, reciprocal and the patient is the focus of the nurse’s thoughts and actions.…