Understand procedures for meeting and welcoming visitors
1.1) Describe different reasons for people visiting a business, their requirements and how their needs may be met.
Different reasons why people visit businesses is to see if their requirements are met are by; managing their own performance in a business environment by improving your own performance, working in a business environment, communicating in a business environment.
The requirements you would need are; to solve business problems, organise and report data, prepare text from note, support the organisation of an event, meet and welcome visitors word processing software.
Customers are people who buy products and services from other people (usually companies of one sort or another). What customers think, and feel about a company and/or its products is a key aspect of business success.
Irrespective of whether a business' customers are consumers or organizations, it is the job of marketers to understand the needs of their customers. In doing so they can develop goods or services which meet their needs more precisely than their competitors.
1.2) Explain the purpose of dealing with visitors promptly and courteously.
The reason to dealing with visitors promptly and courteously is to insure whilst working in reception you're the first person people see when they enter the business. You're a big part of the first impression they'll have of the business.
The first thing you can do in order to represent your organisation in a positive way is to be professional. The public will expect to see you dressed in a certain way; for example, if your organisation has a uniform you will need to be wearing it correctly at all times when representing your organisation in public. You will need to follow procedures on addressing people, distributing information, answering the telephone, etc.
Members will take notice and form judgments on the image you present. This includes taking notice