Promoting a healthy environment for children
Andrea Maria Fernandes
09/621764 306.000
Contents – Unit 6
SECTION 1 – Research Introduction Page 2 E1 Collate evidence which describes the role of the practitioner in working towards a healthy environment for children Page 3 E2/ Provide information about legislation which supports the right of children to a healthy lifestyle Page 4 B1 Evaluate the relevance of current legislation as it applies to supporting a healthy lifestyle for children Page 4
SECTION 2 – Factors which may affect children’s health and wellbeing at different times of their lives E3/ Provide information about a range of factors which may affect children’s health and wellbeing Page 7 E4 Include evidence of the effects of these effects on children’s health Page 7
SECTION 3– How to plan & implement routines & activities for children
E5 Include an explanation of how routines and activities can promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle Page 9 E6 Include descriptions of two activities which are suitable to use with children to promote a healthy lifestyle Page 10 D1 How routines can promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle Page 11 C1 Analyse the reasons for planning and implementing activities which contribute to promoting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for children Page 12
SECTION 4 – On reflection A1 Reflective account on the role of the practitioner ……………………. Page 13
Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F
Introduction to Unit 6 – Promoting a healthy environment for children
In this assignment I will be looking at promoting a healthy environment for children. Over the last 20 years, the UK has seen increased wealth