-According to Aristotle, larger, heavier objects were supposed to fall to the ground faster than smaller, lighter objects. Galileo performed a number of experiments to Aristotle’s pronouncements, that two objects of different weight dropped from the same height fall down at exactly the same rate.
-Copernicus published his findings in 1543, the same years as his death, in a text entitled (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres).
-Heliocentric theory was proposed by Aristarchus of Samos, Ptolemy created the Geocentric theory
-Occams Razor: discard the more complex theory and choose the simpler one
-should two theories of unequal complexity be equally successful modern version of Oc Razor tell us discard more complex theory
-The geocentric theory was accepted primarily because the Ptolemaic view with its system of orbits and “suborbits” or “epicycles” did a better job of “saving the phenomenon”
-Quantum mechanics, which was developed only a few decades ago to describe the behavior of phenomena at the atomic or microscopic level of nature
-The principle of universality states that the basic principles and laws governing the behavior of the physical world do not change with time or one’s location in the universe.
-also universality principle states experiments can be reproduced at any time or location
-Theory must be expanded on, amended, or changed, but only in accordance with a rule of the scientific method called the correspondence principle
-Correspondence principle pt 2: any new or revised theory must not only account discrepancy between experimental results and predictions of old theory but must be successful where old theory was successful
-All of the observations were collected by Galileo into a short but impressive work entitled Sidereus Nuncius (The Starry Messenger).
Galileo did (Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems)
-Greek and Hellenistic views of nature were found to be lacking in saving the phenomena,
-Pythagroas believe