You are partner in charge of the audit of Shangri‑La, Inc. The company is a real estate developer, specializing in luxury vacation areas. The company's operations have been profitable, although not spectacular. Most of the development property is pledged as collateral for bank loans; there is a reasonable stockholders' equity of about $10,000,000.…
1. Ida needs to test the U.S. commercial building for recoverability under both U.S. GAAP and IFRSs. Recoverability test is one of the requirement tests for impairment. As a result, we need to verify if impairment should be recognized.…
3. Post the Ledger Accounts – The general entries are posted to the general ledger and organized by account.…
What is the future value of $7,540 at the end of 7 periods at 8% compounded interest?…
F, a 50 percent owner of Y, is single and has no other tax information. F's A.G.I. is…
The conveyance of a noncash financial asset by and to someone other than the issuer of that financial asset. A transfer includes the following: selling a receivable, putting a receivable into securitization trust, and posting a receivable as collateral. A transfer excludes the following: the origination of the receivable, settlement of a receivable, and the restructuring of a receivable into a security in a troubled debt restructuring.…
Q3-1 The basic idea underlying the preparation of consolidated financial statements is the notion that the consolidated financial statements present the financial position and the results of operations of a parent and its subsidiaries as if the related companies actually were a single company.…
2. The land and buildings should be recorded on the premise of “in-use” or “in-exchange”.…
According to (Oster, 2014), "Percentage of receivables and percentage of sales are two accounting allowance methods used to reconcile customer accounts deemed noncollectable. When allowed by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), these two strategies are preferred over direct write-off of bad debt expenses. Percentage of receivables and percentage of sales provide a business with the ability to accurately estimate the expected bad debt losses they will have in each succeeding fiscal reporting period." Percentage of sales method is a good way to see an estimate for bad allowance under the Henerally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).For GAAP it does not allow a direct write off method. Percentage of receivables is accounted for on the balance sheet that is annually done. There are doubtful accounts that have to be accounted for in the journal.…
d) Does the report contain management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A)? If so, what are the key issues addressed?…
* Colon cancer is taking 655,000 deaths worldwide per year, and it is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Canada.…
The difference between the two types of accounting is when revenues and expenses are recorded. In cash basis accounting revenues are recorded when cash is actually received and expenses are recorded when the expenses are actually paid.…
The difference between multimedia from textual data is multimedia is The use of computers to present text, graphics, video, animation, and sound in an integrated way while textual data and images is a part of multimedia which will be presented…
Exercise 2-3 (15 minutes) Mountain High Income Statement For the month ended xxx Sales ............................................................. Cost of goods sold: Beginning merchandise inventory ................. Add: Purchases ........................................... Goods available for sale…
Q1. Accounting is one of the oldest, structured management information system. Give the meaning of accounting and book keeping? Explain the objectives of accounting? ANS. Meaning of Accounting- The systematic and comprehensive recording of financial transactions pertaining to a business. Accounting also refers to the process of summarizing, analyzing and reporting these transactions. The financial statements that summarize a large company's operations, financial position and cash flows over a particular period are a concise summary of hundreds of thousands of financial transactions it may have entered into over this period.American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) which definesAccounting as “the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events, which are, in part at least, of a Financial character and interpreting the results thereof”.Meaning of Book keeping- Book- keeping includes recording of journal, posting in ledgers and balancing of accounts. All the records before the preparation of trail balance is the whole subject matter of book- keeping. Thus, book- keeping many be defined as the science and art of recording transactions in money or money’s worth so accurately and systematically, in a certain set of books.“Book- keeping is the art of recording business transactions in a systematic Manner”. A.H.Rosenkamph.“Book- keeping is the science and art of correctly recording in books ofAccount all those business transactions that result in the transfer of money or money’s worth”.Objective of Accounting-Objective of accounting may differ from business to business depending upon Their specific requirements. However, the following are the general objectives of accounting.i) To keeping systematic record: It is very difficult to remember all theBusiness transactions that take place.…