Once the World War
Cited: "Why Did War Break out in Europe in 1914?" Why Did War Break out in Europe in 1914? N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2012. <http://www.gcsehistory.org.uk/modernworld/whydidwarbreakoutin1914.htm>
1: World war one was sparked by the assignation of archduke Francis Ferdinand. The political objective of the assassination was to break Austria- Hungary’s south- Slav provinces off so they could be combined into a great Serbia. Both sides of the group believed it would be a quick war of many resources.…
As Archduke Franz Ferdinand heirs his throne along with his wife Sophie during the summer of June 28, they were shockingly assassinated by a Serbian native Gravilo Princip. This occurrence led to which we all know as World War 1. This incident struck worldwide as to where many countries took notice as established to declare war. The first country to do so was Austria-Hungary declaring on Serbia in July 28. Different countries declared war amongst each other which continued until late August in 1914. By then, the nation was under full effect as 3rd world countries declared war and allies were tagging along to destroy one another. This frenzy corrupted the government control by far typically because the war got out of control and went far beyond their expectations of a short war that would be over by Christmas. The government was disorganized and had no idea how to manage the war and the differences in this war compared to wars fought in the past.…
While many factors led to the war, nationalism contributed the most, due to the desire of the Serbs to create their own Slavic nation and the need of each European country to be more superior than the others. “Additionally, the Serbians could or would do little to stop the activities of the anti-Austrian secret society, the Black Hand. To the Austrians, the rise of Pan-Slavic nationalism, and particularly Serbian aggression, was a direct threat to the future of the Austrian Empire.” (Doc J) Archduke Franz Ferdinand, a prominent figure in Austria-Hungary, was assassinated by the Black Hand, a Serbian organization. The purpose of the Black Hand was to unite the Serbs within Austria-Hungary, and it responded to the imminent threat, which could break up its empire, by declaring an…
Although he had been assassinated by the Black Hand, and the Serbian government had a role in making the plans, he wanted to aid the Serbians in many different ways. The Archduke stated that when he rose to the Austria-Hungarian throne, he wanted to give the Serbian ethnic groups located within the empire more political power (Bodden 19). Most of the groups, which included the Bosnians, the Slovenes, the Croats, and other southern slaws, were struggling, for they did not have much political power and they were having economic problems. Ferdinand wanted to fix that, since a broad amount of the Austria-Hungarian empire’s population belonged to Serbian ethnic groups. Also, once the Archduke obtained the throne, he wanted to talk to Serbia about the conflict that was occurring and he wanted to find a solution. He wanted to make a compromise and form an agreement with Serbia, but he never got the chance to. One of the most important factors to the unjustification of the assassination was that Ferdinand did not want to go to war with Serbia (Preston). He also saw conflict arising between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, and he wanted to restrain war and conflict from occurring as soon as he could. Archduke Franz Ferdinand wanted to make treaties and agreements with Serbia, and the fact that he…
Undeniable to the immediate cause for the outbreak of the first World War is the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. An angry dissatisfied Serbian-nationalist terrorist group, named the Black hand put a significant amount of planning into the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. When the driver of the open car with the royal couple made a wrong turn. Then a Black Hand member named Gavrilo Princip…
The Black Hand Gang believe that Bosnia should separate from Austro-Hungary and rejoin to Serbia (the country they all come from). The Archduke was the next heir to the throne of Austro-Hungary and nephew of the current and hated king. The terrorists attacked him in an attempt to disrupt Austro-Hungary and to make a point to the people. When interviewed, Nedjelko Cabrinovic said,” we shall die heroes of Bosnia and Serbia having lead the…
Archduke Francis Ferdinand – heir to Austrian throne was assassinated by Serbian revolutionary is Sarajevo a town in Bosnia on July 28, 1914 starting World War I also known as the Great War…
2. How did the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand lead so many nations into war?…
When the Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, visited Bosnia in 1914, he was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, under orders of the Black Hand which was a covert Serbian military society. Shortly after, the July Crisis took place when Austria-Hungary provoked Serbia to start a war. Five days later, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, on July 28th 1914. Because of pre-existing allies, Germany supported the Austro-Hungarian incursion of Serbia. Russia became involved since they were friends with Serbia and France and Britain joined since they were friends with Russia.…
Franz Ferdinand, as inspector general of the imperial army, decided to pay an official visit to Sarajevo despite warnings not to because of the tensions in the area. At the time of his death, Ferdinand had been on his way to visit a fellow officer in a hospital who had been wounded by a bomb. Another member of the Black Hand was responsible for throwing the bomb that injured the officer Ferdinand was on his way to see.23 The assassination is often credited as the shot that started World War I since it set off a chain reaction that ultimately began the war.…
World War I began because of many events that got countries heated and upset. Some events that caused World War I to happen were nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and the Alliance System. Nationalism was a occurring problem in the 1870s, Nationalism encouraged unity but it also created mistrust and a rivalry between nations. The next because of the war was imperialism. Rivalries expanded among powerful nations such as Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Russia between the years of 1870-1914.…
The assassination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand the heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire at Sarajevo was the event that led to the start of the First World War. The Austro-Hungarian government believed that the assassin that killed Ferdinand and his wife were a product of the Serbian government, And as a result they declared war on Serbia. Because of the alliance system this caused Russia to mobilise their troops.…
This assassination was huge in history because it lead to the outbreak of World War 1. Their has to be reasons as in why Ferdinand was assassinated. This is because Princip viewed Ferdinand as foreign oppressors. Ferdinand ignored important warnings of anti- Austrian sentiments in Serbia. On their independence day Ferdinand traveled to Serbia. Many people wanted to kill Ferdinand because of the actions he was taking. A terrorist group called the Black Hand wanted to kill him because they wanted to show that they could not be repressed by foreign opposers. This is why Ferdinand was assassinated because many people were determined to kill him because of his actions. By these actions it caused tension between many countries, which caused the outbreak of World War…
In 1914 war broke out across Europe. It began with the assassination of Francis Ferdinand, the archduke and heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne. His assassinators were Serbian revolutionaries. Soon Austria-Hungary was in conflict with Serbia and alliances were being drawn up left and right. Just like that, a Europe that had been industrializing and militarizing for years, was ready to go to war with its self. Each nations' reasons for becoming involved in the war vary, but it was strictly a conflict that involved the continent of Europe and it's possessions.…
When World War 1 broke out in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson declared the United States neutral. Although U.S. soldiers did not fight until 1917, the country was never technically impartial in the conflict. Cultural and economic ties, U.S. predilection, and global political ideals manifested a tip in American scales toward the Allies, ultimately leading to the nation’s entrance in World War 1.…