Hodgkinson maintains a critical, authoritative, and somewhat pessimistic tone throughout the article. The author critical tone is displayed in his thorough evaluation of every aspect of Facebook ranging from the disconnection and competition created amongst the users (326) and the purely capitalistic motivation of Peter Thiel, one of the men behind the site (328-334).His examination of these two subject is truthful, but pessimistic and biased because the author does not acknowledge any of the benefits of social networking. The writer’s authority is displayed in the structure of this article. He begins the article with a statement that immediately communicates to the reader what his stance is (326). In addition, Hodgkinson’s credibility is established not only because of his previous works, but also because of his in-depth analysis of Peter Thiel and strong factual support for each claim (328-334). He proves that Thiel’s main motive is profiting by referring to the litany of companies which, as of 2007, began advertising on the “free” Facebook (332). The author is making a clear appeal to logos since his supporting evidence is fact-based.
Cited: Hodgkinson, Tom. “With Friends Like These…” Everything’s an Argument. Fifth Edition. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2010. 326-334. Print.