The purpose of this assignment is to review recommendations on various educational policies for improving learner’s performance and determine if what’s mentioned on paper is relevant and realistically transferable to the classroom environment. Over the years several policies and reports have been produced all making various recommendations. Such publications include: Moser Report (1999), Success for all (2002), Every Child Matters (2004), Tomlinson Report (2005), Leitch Report (2006), Future Education: Raising Skills, Improving Life Chances (2006), Raising Expectations Education & Skills Act (2008), Models for Success (2009), Skills for Life (2009).
Can the solution for improving learner’s performance simply lie within these policies? Why is there even a need for such policies to exist? The answer is relatively straight forward, over the years there has been an increasing amount of adults exhibiting low skills, in particular relating to numeracy and literacy. In comparison to our European counterparts the UK is lagging behind. Overall the result of adults with low skills is an increasing amount of people working in unskilled jobs or no job at all, making …show more content…
Published in February 1999, it revealed the stark fact that roughly one in five adults – perhaps as many as seven million people – were functionally illiterate or innumerate. For many years there had been limited funding and limited availability of basic skills training for the 16+ area of the lifelong sector; training and skill enhancement had been mostly office based [audio typing, short hand, word processing etc.] and mostly funded by the private individual. – ‘as a national priority, improvements in literacy and numeracy never reached the front of the policy queue.’ [Moser Report – Chairman’s