The decline of the Ottoman Empire opened new opportunities for the European powers, in which the powers took interest into arising opportunities the fall may offer. For instance, Russia would be able to expand its influence due to its close proximity with the Ottoman Empire and religious relations with the Greek Orthodox Christians. However, this persisting opportunity for Russia led to tensions and fear in the Austrian Empire, whereas Britain and France were interested in trading opportunities and locations in the eastern Mediterranean. Tensions worsen during the Crimean War, especially when France and Britain joined the war due to their fears of Russia’s …show more content…
This conflict focused on the nationalism that a majority of people wanted; as a result, the negotiation of the Compromise of 1867 created Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary. This dual monarchy was a way to cope with the nationalism in the empire by establishing Hungary’s own constitution, legislature, capital, and bureaucracy. This creation was a solution to still keep the empire intact and orderly while still appeasing the nationalistic Hungarians, but not the other nationalities. However, the new state was still under the control of a single monarch and a common foreign policy, army, and system of finances.
5. How was Abraham Lincoln responsible for the unification of the United States?
Several southern states formed the Confederate States of America as a rival nation in response of the attempt to set slaves free, which led to the American Civil War between the North and South. After years of turmoil, the North eventually defeated the South when the Confederate forces surrendered on April 9, 1865. This war was a period of unrest and division in America, but Abraham Lincoln was able to lead the country back into unity with his