
Why Poaching Is Unethical Essay

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Why Poaching Is Unethical Essay
It is unethical to poach animals because it leads to extinction, illegal trade , and the s pread of disease; despite these issues, many believe that the money made from poaching is more important than the negative consequences. One negative consequence of poaching is that many times poachers kill animals until they become greatly endangered or extinct. This causes some problems in the ecosystems where these animals live. If one animal goes extinct, this means less food for the animal that used to eat it as prey. One animal that went extinct is the Western Black Rhinoceros and “In 2011 the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUNC) declared the Western Black Rhinoceros extinct.” This is one example of how poachers can kill one …show more content…
Some poor people in poo countries cannot afford healthy meat. These people are very desperate to have a meal at night so they are willing to risk getting sick to eat this cheaper but possibly infected meat and “People hunt and buy infected meat when producing food by other means is challenging according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization.” The poachers will sell this meat to the poor people just to make money and sometime they don't even know if the met is infected. They just sell it to make a profit even if it means that they are the reason for someone’s death.
Despite the issues from poaching many believe that the money made from poaching is more important. The Independent News wrote an article that states “ The Obama Administration destroyed the U.S. Reserve of elephants tusks.” This disproves the opposition because now more action is being taken to stop the trade of ivory and to stop poaching so that poacher will not be able to make money. The opposition is wrong because no amount of money is equivalent to a human or animal live. Poachers should stop poaching because they are the reason for many people

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