, Master in Science
My Qualifications
I received a BA degree in Psychology from Lehman College University at NY in May 2003. I then received a Master of Science degree in Counseling Psychology from Capella University in May 2012. I currently am applying for the License Professional Counselor Associate.
The Counseling Process
People come to counseling because they want something to be different in their lives. They may want to change their personal or family situation, solve a particular problem, or simply bring a healthier balance to their lives. The counseling process can be fun and exciting. It can also, at times, be very challenging, difficult and even painful. However, the goal will always be to bring about some positive change. Your Rights and Responsibilities
You have the right to ask me to explain my reasons for making certain recommendations or for using certain …show more content…
Even when the client is under the age of 18, the details of what happens in therapy cannot leave the session. I will encourage open communication when deemed necessary and will provide parents with guidance and support; however it is counterintuitive to treatment for details of a child/adolescent session, spouse session, etc., to be revealed to other family members. It is also counterintuitive to treatment for a family member to ask a client about the details of a session. There are some circumstances in which confidentiality cannot be maintained. Those situations include when the client is at risk of harm to self or others, when there has been disclosure of abuse and/or neglect, when a court asks for records, or when information disclosed in a session involves criminal activity that must be reported to law enforcement. In all other circumstances, the client or legal guardian must sign consent for release of information to authorize communication with outside