The finished dam contains enough concrete, 4.5 million cubic yards, to build a two-lane highway from Seattle, Washington to Miami, Florida.More than 8.5 million pounds of dynamite was used to blast the foundation for the dam and 8 miles of tunnels through the canyon walls. Why did they build the Hoover Dam?The main reason for building the Hoover Dam was to supply the electrical power necessary to transport 4.4 million acre-feet—over a quarter of the Colorado River's average annual flow to California. Soon, the dam also would supply water to Las Vegas, whose revenue would be used to finance …show more content…
Even prior to its completion however, concerns were expressed over the potential impacts of Hoover Dam on aquatic systems.The cost of the Hhoover Ddam was 49 million dollars.The owner of the Hhoover Ddam are the Uunited Sstates government. The government was to provide the materials but the contractor was to prepare the site and build the dam. Oover 7,000 dam workers that endured harsh conditions and extreme dangers to completed the Hoover Dam almost two years ahead of schedule. But all cuz of the hoover dam they gave a lot people jobs to support their family.Workers and their familiesy had hard times because there familiesy had to move away where they use to live at cuz they had to move closer to the dam.The familiesfamilys lived in like home made teints so they didn'tdidnt live very well. After awhile of building the Hoover dam they werewheir building houses so that they can live better than they use to. Its good becausecuz the workerswokers and their familiesy lived better than they use to. Between 1931 and 1936 when the dam was built, 96 men were killed in industrial accidents. None were buried in the concrete. The Hoover Dam is shaped like a huge curved axe head, 45 ft. wide at the top and 660 ft. thick at the bottom.The Colorado River is more than 1,400 miles long and supplies water to Los Angeles, San