
Why Did Spanish French And English Interact With Native Americans

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Why Did Spanish French And English Interact With Native Americans
To what extent did the Spanish, French, and English interact with the Native Americans differently from 1492 to 1760?

Native Americans came to a great deal of harm because of interactions with the French, Spanish and English. Columbus started a Spanish conquest that was able to last for decades before the next European country would get a foothold and begin their unique interactions with the natives including the British displacement and the French alliances. To varying degrees each European power destroyed the indigenous people of the Americas, though not always on purpose.
The Spanish, for example, was the first European nation to find North America when Columbus stumbled upon what he would dub Hispaniola, or modern day Haiti and Dominican
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These plants were extremely labor intensive to grow, which necessitated cheap labor to make a large return on them. The indentured servant system worked for some time, but it’s usefulness was limited by terms of service. To combat these problems and continue turning a profit the British colonies turned to slavery.
Enslavement of africans did not start in the British colonies of North America, but rather in the colonies of the West Indies where the native populations had been devastated. The necessity of african slavery arose from the high mortality rate of slaves working sugar plantations and refineries specifically. However, this did provide relatively easy access and, when the shift was made further north towards slavery, the Chesapeake wasn't far out of the slavers way.
The North American Colonies relied on he indentured servant system at first. This was a system by which someone would agree to serve somebody for a certain term in exchange for passage to the colony. Initially these were a better investment because they were far cheaper than slaves and many died before their term of service ended, most within the first couple years of moving to the Virginia area, in a large part because of malaria carrying mosquitos in nearby swamps. At that time it was more economically sound to risk the smaller investment if a planter wasn’t sure how long that investment would continue to pay

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