Walt Disney’s father was Elias Disney, an Irish Canadian, and mother, flora call Disney a German American. Disney is one of the five children, four boys and one girl. Disney attended McKinley High School in Chicago, where he took drawing and photography classes. …show more content…
Walt said, “I could look around and see the fulfilment of my hopes, dreams, and ambitions in the form of spectacular kingdom.” On Disneyland’s opening day, a 15 day hat wave raised temperatures up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. It was so bad that the asphalt would trap high-heeled shoes, because it was so warm. The heat wave continued after the opening day, almost taking out the park. Beside the awful opening day conditions, by 10 years 50 million visitors had entered the gates of the magic kingdom.
In Walt Disney’s 65 years, he succeeded by moving black and white novelty to highly genre that would make Oscar winning feature films. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy were instantly recognizable global icons of Walt Disney. Walt Disney died on December 15, 1966, from lung cancer. He left Disneyland and all his movies, but even though he was not able to see how his park and company grew into the 21st century, his legacy still lives on today. Disney will always be with Disneyland and the entire