Hannibal’s plan was a surprise attack on Rome though the Alps mountains. The Alps mountains are the tallest mountains in europe and they are the back door to Italy, which Rome would never expect an attack from. Hannibal wanted his army to travel through the Alps mountains something that has never been attempted before. Not only was he taking a whooping 46,000 troops but he was also taking elephants which made the journey even more difficult. While Hannibal army is preparing for the long journey to Italy Hannibal’s scouts send warnings to him that native tribes in The Alps would try to stop his invasion, however Hannibal would ignore these warnings. In spring 218 BC Hannibal would leave Spain with 46,000 troops and elephants to Italy to invade Rome. At the same time Hannibal is making his plans Rome would also start to prepare for the incoming war. The Rome Senate would start by electing one person to lead their army, in which they elected Scipio. Scipio much like the rest of the senate believe it will be easy to defeat Hannibal. The Romans plan was for Scipio to take his army to Spain and crush Hannibal’s army easily and put an end to the war fast. After four months of traveling Hannibal’s army would finally reach the Alps mountains and start the hardest part of their journey. While in the mountains Hannibal’s army would face frost bite, confusion of …show more content…
Fed up with all the losses to Hannibal, the Romans would put together the biggest army Rome would ever see. This army would be lead by Hannibal’s enemy Scipio in which Scipio and the rest of the Rome senate thought this battle would be an easy victory. The Roman army would put together a 50,000 troop legion in hope to crush Hannibal’s army in one battle. Out numbered Hannibal puts together a plan that would use the Romans military tactics against them. Rome had manpower however their battle strategy was always the same, they would send in all their troops to out number and overpower their enemies. To contour is Hannibal would split up his troops into five different sections. In the middle would be him, his spaniards and the Gauls, on both right and left would be his cavalry in the front and African mercenaries in the back. Hannibal’s plan was to have his middle section engage the Roman legions but slowly retreat, while his cavalry was keeping the Roman cavalry occupied. Once Hannibal gets to a point in his retreat he would have his African mercenaries attack the legions from the sides and then his cavalry would attack from the back. Even though by this point the battle was over for the Romans a few escaped with their lives, among them was general Scipio. With the Romans enclose the 50,000 Roman army would be slaughtered and this would lead to a huge victory for