The story revolves around two men named Lennie and George who leave Weed in order to escape a conflict that had occurred because of Lennie. moving into Salinas River, California, the two men set out to keep their incident in Weed secret until they could get enough money to be able to afford their own land and own their own ranch. By doing so the men had left to work the American dream to be able to make their own dream come true.
In the story the two main characters are Lennie and George. Lennie is a large man with round face, he's has the mind of a child and has a love for anything soft. George on the other hand is the opposite of Lennie. George is a small slim, dark faced man who is quick and smart. He has been traveling with George ever since the incident in Weed and has been taking care of Lennie ever since Lennie's Aunt Clara passed away. (Steinbeck)
I believe Mercy Killing is better to do than capital punishment because I believe that anyone should have the right in deciding the way they would like to die. Assuming that Mercy Killing allows them to die with dignity and peacefully. "...Americans should enjoy a right guaranteed in the European Deceleration of human rights- the right not to be forced to suffer..." (Grishe, Fraye) Many people are supporters of Mercy Killing and they all believe people have the right to not …show more content…
For example, the first example that represented Mercy Killing was the event in which Carlson killed an old dog that belonged to Candy to put the dog out of its misery considering that the dog was already old. Another example is the important example of Mercy Killing in the book is the Mercy Killing of Lennie. In order to save Lennie from suffering punishment from the law or having anyone else kill Lennie, George took it upon himself to kill Lennie. In order to not regret it later on as Candy did with his dog. (Steinbeck)
When a person is responsible for a Mercy Killing that person can get charged with violation of the law with murder. Juries have often acquitted family members of Mercy Killing because the jury can understand deeply of their reasons why they did what they did. The desire to help a loved one and put an end to their suffering. The jury believes that relatives who have committed the act should not be punished because their motives were pure and not full of negativity. (Web,