I believe that my greatest impact as a leader in high school has been through my participation in a Service Learning Class. This class gave me the chance to help and lead others by tutoring younger students in the middle school and elementary school. As a senior, I felt responsible for providing a voice for the class in ideas and decisions to help better our school. I worked with administrators, teachers, and class members to promote healthy habits of responsibility, school pride, respect, and service. This class also allowed me to lead special needs students by teaching important life skills, such as cleaning , vacuuming, shredding, and hygiene. Most of my work in this class was also unsupervised, which provided me with valuable personal guidance experience. …show more content…
Through this organization, I was given the opportunity to lead by way of volunteerism and school involvement, participating in over twenty-five hours of community service. I was able to work with organizations like Feed the Children, packaging and loading boxes with supplies for Sandy Hurricane Relief workers, as well as Kaboom, NIKE, and the Absentee Shawnee Tribe in a community playground build for Little Axe youth. I also worked to pick up trash around my neighborhood on two occasions, completing a total of ten hours of community service. At school I emptied recycle boxes of teachers at least once every two weeks and worked in NHS sponsored events like our annual Pi