Writing helped my wife to get through a dark time in her life. For me, socializing with other people and being active in my church would help me when I was down. However, my wife is very shy and she had no other young people at her church to talk to. She planted herself in front of her computer for 3 …show more content…
When I was still in high school, I felt God calling me to preach. Writing sermons is a lot easier for me than it is writing about anything else. When I start a sermon, I start with a scripture. I think about it and wonder what God is trying to tell me through it. By writing it down, I can decide how to best explain the scripture to others as it has been revealed to me.
My wife tells me that I have the same passion for speaking that she has for writing. The words seem to come so naturally. I can stand in front of hundreds of people and preach without feeling too nervous. It must be God speaking through me.
Another subject that I enjoy the most is history. I don't write about it much, but I love to study it. I love reading about historical figures and events in history that changed not only the culture, but also the church.
Though writing is not my strong suit, I do enjoy challenging myself to learn new things. My wife has always helped to push me to do different things and I am willing to take on this challenge of learning to better put my thoughts on paper. I know that this will help me professionally and